[PROJECT] Driver for Blink API

That is the same API structure I use for homescreen, although the log does not show which specific server it was going to (for example: rest-prod.immedia-semi.com).

Further investigation and attempts (and research into the cloudfront responses) seems to indicate that this is caused by new (or changed) rule(s) on the server side. Basically they updated their firewall and are blocking the access (whether it is intentional or not is unknown). I am curious if ANYONE's instance is still working. I have added a warning notice to the initial post of this thread. If functionality can be restored at some point I will remove that.


Both unfortunate and fortunate. Bad for integration but good for security.

Blink did this years ago with ST and RBoy’s integration.

Yes, it has been a constant worry. Guess this has enough users to attract their attention.

I see some references to a server rest-u007.immedia-semi.com in the HA integration. Does this mean anything to you?

The only difference on the surface that I see is that Hubitat is reported as a null device type on Blink

@IamSteve: The actual server can vary and is part of the response from Blink. They have them broken up by a number of regions or such (exactly how the break out is done is unknown). Mine is typically the aforementioned rest-prod. But the driver handles whichever one the API tells it to go to. It is the "Tier" value if I remember of the top of my head.

Just before anyone tries, I have already tried with altering my tier to u007... and it had no impact.

@thebearmay: You can add your device type as one of the preferences. Mine shows the "Pixel 4a" I entered for example. Along with a bunch of old devices that I removed.

I am affected, since you're curious if anyone can access. I think it is all and also wanted to comment so I'm following the thread :smiley:

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Thanks! I suspect it is everyone but thanks for another confirmation.


Hopefully you are able to get this driver working again. It was really easy to integrate into my RM rules. Good thing I never removed all my IFTTT web hooks. Sounds like I need to revert to that for the moment.

EDIT: Just hooked up Blink to my HaaS. Hooked in just fine and I'm able to arm/disarm the system, but that's it. I cannot enable or disable motion on individual cameras. So not any different than sending a HTTP request to enable/disable the system arming.

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Just to confirm that I, too, am affected. Good luck with figuring this out.



Is there anything we can do to help? If you think your app is specifically being blocked by their API perhaps we can open incident tickets against their API for example?

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Well the API isn't officially an API so ....


@snell This integration has worked extremely well for me and got me out of IFTTT for good. Thanks so much for the good ride and I appreciate your continuing to look for resolution.

In the meantime, would you prefer alternatives be discussed here or we start a new thread (similar to the MyQ alternatives thread? For example, I'm now detecting motion and arm/disarm via integration with Alexa, and that seems to work OK.


After two years of great service from this integration, sadly, I too had to seek an alternate solution. Thank you @snell for your effort and continuous support. Hopefully this situation is only temporary.


Unfortunately, as @thebearmay mentioned, the API is not official. Blink never followed through on their commitment to release the API (arguably because Amazon bought them before they did and it was not Amazon's commitment...). So all use of the API has always been unofficial at best. Raising a ticket will not help.

I would recommend an Alternative thread be created. I can put a link to it from the initial post of this one. It may be wishful thinking but I hope it will be possible to revive this driver at some point.


Thread for alternative solutions for Blink integration

Should I still hold my breath or do you think the API ship has sailed? I'm on the verge of pulling the Blink HE integrations, but I don't want to go down that route unless we're sure it's completely dead.

@HAL9000: I added the Alternatives thread to the initial post, thanks!

@3rdStng: It is still pretty recent but it SEEMS like the driver is pretty well blocked. The good thing about Hubitat is you could just pause any Rules or make an Export of them if the driver can work again so that stuff would be easier to restore.

If there is overall demand, I can produce an update that will effectively disable the driver, setting all the scheduled activity (except the version check) to be manual only. That way it would not get the errors against the server and the devices could be left there. But it is not all that difficult to remove and re-add if needed.