Problems adding Hue Smart Button and Hue Dimmer Switch V2 to HE (SOLVED)

Hello everyone,

I have recently purchased a HE to reduce the number of bridges in my setup. The key selling point for me was the new Apple HomeKit integration.

I have managed to add all my Hue light bulbs to the HE. However, when I add either the Hue Smart Button or the Hue Dimmer Switch V2 it first looks like everything is working nicely. They both get added and show up under devices. But for some reason they then go back into pairing mode (orange flashing light) and button presses don't get passed to HE.

I suspect that the initial pairing fails on the button/switch side for some reason. In both cases I'm using the designated drivers (Hue Smart Button and Philips Dimmer Button Controller V2).

Has anyone come across this problem and managed to get them added and working with HE?

I know that there is a Hue bridge integration and at least two community apps for the Hue system. However, I'm not really interested in running multiple bridges as mentioned above. That kind of defeats the purpose of the HE in my opinion. Also I want to use the HomeKit integration which shows devices that are connected via a Hue bridge as incompatible.

Any advice is much appreciated!

Yes this has happened to me twice, popping the battery after pairing should fix it, as described below.

That did the trick. Thanks so much!

I actually came across the post you linked while I was trying to solve my problem. However, I only read the first paragraph and thought it was due to firmware issues. Since the post was also more than a year old I thought that the issue was probably fixed now.

Guess I should have read to the end.

Anyways, thanks again!

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