Sale on Zigbee devices... switches, dimmers<$18 door & motion sensors <$8

Hey All,
New here... but thought I would share that I just stumbled on to a clearance on their in-house Zigbee devices over at aka shoppers plus.

I picked up their door window sensor last week at $15.. which was already a good deal. It pairs and operates just fine as a generic sensor.

Today I noticed they had it marked down to $7.49, picked up 2 more.. along with some motion sensors at the same price. They have there dimmers and swithes down to $14.99 and $17.99 as well .

** Above are Canadian Prices btw.. not sure if the same applies in the US.

It is all their LivingWise brand.



Is that the LivingWise Contact sensors? What's the battery life on those, and what kind of battery do they use?

Welcome to the Hubitat Community. I don't know much about any of the Zigbee stuff listed there, but it's always good to know about the option. Really appreciate you posting.

No clue on the reliability or performance, but @csteele, here are some Zigbee outlets.

the livingwise stuff is re-branded Orvibo. I asked about it a while back here

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Thanks. That definitely puts them on the do not buy list.

The motion sensor works as generic Zigbee sensor as well and super reliable but the motion led is super bright and as of now. The battery status is not working due to the HE driver.

The Door/Window sensor uses a CR2032, supplied with it. So far over the last week it has worked just fine.

That is not great news on the switches... I guess I should have done more homework first.. oh well, It was a calculated risk given the prices. I'll give them a whirl and see if I can get a bit lucky.

Worst case, I'll grab one of their hubs for the system and sell it as a package deal on kijiji or craigslist or something.

Warning: This Zigbee sensor is only fully compatible with LivingSmart/LivingWise/Orvibo Zigbee hub, it does not support any other smart home hub or devices.

That is listed on the product listing. So, you're saying they work with Hubitat?

so far i have only used the door/window sensor and it works fine. I have one of the light switches that I haven't had time to install yet so cant say if that will work or not.

Hey... Wasn't ignoring you.. just wanted to recieve and install before replying. So I have and I did...

The Dimmer Switch install was easy, I like the terminal contact style where it has slide in's for wire, that are then secured with the screws (clamped internally) and two locations at each terminal, so it can cut down on marettes inside the boxes.

It paired up to the HE right away after flipping the breaker on. I set the Device profile as Generic Zigbee Dimmer and it works fine, on/off.. up/down either via HE or Alexa.

We will see how the long term stability is with HE.

The aesthetics of the dimmer are questionable.. not sure why they had to put the Huge Up and Down Arrows on the paddle... But for the price, it is worth the pain. Plus I plan to use these in a few out of the way locations... utility room, garage etc...

They still have the switches at 17.99, so I might grab one for the better aesthetics to use in my front Hall.


Ps. Motion Sensors and Door Sensors installed as expected and working fine.

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The duplex outlet is absolute rubbish (they drop off of mesh all the time), these appear (from the model number on the back) to be the same units sold (and now discontinued) by Enerwave...

ZB500D.. that's what I got and It does come up as an enerwave part number as well, like you said.

Was the Duplex outlet enerwave as well? Do you think I am in for the same fate with it dropping off?

It's possible, I have 6 of the enerwave PN:ZB-15R , just checked all 6, only 2 are still playing ball...
I got tired of resetting them a year ago, finally gave up.

Found this thread and was wondering how your LivingWise devices have been working

I’m curious, too. That 7-button controller would be a nice replacement to my enerwave one if it’s reliable.

The Motion Sensors work great, as well as the door sensors they have been solid since I got them.

I have one dimmer switch installed in my front hall, that works fine, but a second out in the garage I have had trouble getting it to pair.

I haven't been able to determine if it is the zigbee mesh or the dimmer itself. 1 of the door sensors is about 2 feet away, and paired and works fine. I think it is a combination of the dimmers antenna strength and that the switch is located in a block wall. I am going to try a zwave in the same location to see if I get better results.

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I also have put in these switches and receptacles.
Contrary to @mike.maxwell results, I have never had one of them (I have 2 installed), fall of the mesh.
Furthermore, I use the fine program by Bryan Turcotte (device watchdog) to test every day, to see if they are still working! Let me tell you a small secret: before I test them, (at 6:04am every day), I use RM to submit a custom command to them: the refresh command.
I have also had excellent results with the switches. You just have to refresh them often (I refresh them once a day).


Well yeah, you're poking them every day, it's no wonder they don't disappear.
If a device is working properly there is no need to refresh it as you're doing.

The ZB-15R is pure rubbish.

I bought one and wired it up. I'm trying to figure out how to hook it up to HE and what DH to use. I found a thread on Smartthings with a dh and copied and pasted it into hubitat and got errors.I'm definitely a rookie when it comes to this.

Link to smartthings DH

I also have a few light dimmers and they work fine with HE.

I'll let you know if I make any progress

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Sweet! I’m planning to buy one in November. If you don’t get it by then, I’ll take a stab at it :slight_smile:

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