Presence is dead

No matter what I do now, presence is non functional on my phone. It says out of geofence but the device status on the hub never changes. I've force quit. I've uninstalled. I've restarted.

Hubitat's presence never worked consistently or at all on any of our phones. We tried it after Life360 reduced its services. We're still in search of a simple and reliable cross-platform solution.


If you are getting logged out of the app between sessions, it may be toggling off your geofencing. Mine was rock solid on the new app until I logged into my tablet with the same e-mail. I wound up creating a different e-mail guest account just for my tablet, and it was rock solid again. They stated they had fixed the log in issue, so I tried the same e-mail account again. The next time I opened the app, I had been logged out (so not completely fixed). After logging in again, my geofence did not seem to work. After manually updating present/not present a couple of times, I decided to check just in case the "home" location had moved. That is when I found that logging out had also turned off my geofence toggle. Turned it back on and rock solid again.

I haven't had any of the logging out issues.

This is the way...depending on your def of simple, which is a subjective thing, of course.


Thanks, that app still has the manual restart required after every app stop or phone start. Looks like a great contribution for some use cases, but I'm looking for automation, not complication of my life. :smile:

Background location permission was added in version 2.5.0 of the Play Store app, so the app store version no longer needs to be opened after a phone reboot to continue to get location. :slight_smile:

  • Background location permission! (Hurray!)

Oh cool. The first post in the linked OT [Release] thread above still calls out a manual restart is required under the " Phone Locations are not Responsive" text header. Will give it a go.

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The author is extremely responsive and helpful. Read through the basic setup instructions and give it a go, and post any questions you have in that main Owntracks topic.


Thanks for the nudge. Works like a charm.

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Interesting, I didn't know that. I stopped using it because of that. Guess I'll need to test it again.

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The Hubitat app presence is unreliable for me, but somehow the Hubitat HD+ app on my Android phone never seems to miss inside/outside of Geofence. I can use it to set a virtual switch in Hubitat and as far as I can tell it has been perfectly reliable. Maybe Hubitat staff could ask him how he does it.

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Yes, it's still unreliable for me too