Premium Services

There is no doubt a misunderstanding of our approach here. Our mobile app is not at all comparable to the ST mobile app. I think it's fair to say that anyone coming from ST will call it "stripped down, basic".

Please consider that the ST architecture was largely designed around their mobile app and the cloud. The IDE was sort of a side show. Many aspects of their architecture stem from this. The ST mobile app was like a chop-a-matic: it provides automation configuration, device joining/naming/organizing, a means of control through tiles, mobile presence, notifications, etc.

Hubitat set out on a fresh thought based design to our architecture, based on a local hub. This turns the model completely upside down from ST. It makes the mobile app an accessory, not the center piece. It makes the cloud an accessory, not the center piece. Our mobile app is not intended to do what ST's does, nor really resemble it. It will provide mobile presence, notifications, and dashboard access. It will not provide automation configuration, device joining, etc. All of these functions are provided on our hub through its web ui. We are not going to charge for it.

This is actually a misquote of what I said back in March. What I said was that "we may still bring out fee-based services in the future". I did not say that we may decide to take something you have now, and start charging a fee for it. There is no "bite you in the ■■■" coming in the future. If and when we bring out fee-based services, they will be introduced as such, not bait and switched. It's curious that people are worried about our ROI if we don't change this and somehow flip the business model. We don't have that worry.

For now, our obvious goal is to provide a very stable platform that offers reliable, fast and secure home automation. Any customer of ours can go their own way, and what they have today is going to continue to work as well as it does today. They are not dependent on our cloud, nor is the code in their hub going to suddenly grow fangs and become unstable or cease to function the way it does now. Platform stability is pretty much baked into our approach.


I find it fascinating how often customers in these online forums (not just here, but ST, Blink etc) can have such strong opinions about corporate strategies like this when we are, as customers, not privy to all the information that company management and staff are.

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Facts? We don't need no stinking facts !!!


And, IMHO, having a less stripped down version would be one possibility for a premium feature. Personally, I would want an app to be able to control devices (on/off) and check device status. But, I'd also be willing to pay for more features, even if I don't use them very often.

You misunderstand me. I'm saying that since you won't "bait and switch", every new feature added is one less thing that could have been Premium. What are "quick fixes" for now might have otherwise been ideal candidates for more full-fledged Premium options, and after having been partially implemented, it becomes too late to switch tracks. You guys are adding features left and right, which I'm certainly not complaining about - it was a major factor for me buying a Hubitat! - but what will be Premium? ALL that I am saying is that I recommend the decision for Premium services be made sooner rather than later. If you folks already have ideas, then perfect.

There is hardware/software stability and what I'm referring to as "platform", which includes expanding to keep current. Although Hubitat looks to be largely immune to hardware/software instability, the entire HA industry is extremely unstable. None of use can guess where HA products will be in 5 years. Obviously, I think everyone's hope is that Hubitat becomes the killer app for the entire HA industry - who wouldn't want that?! But, if Hubitat goes out of business, then it won't. Without a subscription model, there's a finite number of people even remotely interested in another hub, and then the money goes bye-bye.

See @marktheknife post above.


It amazes me how many people look a gift horse in the mouth instead of just riding it.

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Well, gosh, maybe because SmartThings was bought by Samsung within a couple years, which did no favors for development.

I don't want to ride a gift horse for a couple years. I want my attempts at automation to be made easier, responsive and stable. Getting automation to work right on any platform is a pain in the ■■■ (and wallet). I have better things to do than to start all over on a new platform. I'm switching to Hubitat because it looks like ST is a failing product. See above. I rode the SmartThings horse. Now I'm abandoning it for Hubitat. What's next? I hope better and better versions of Hubitat. So, to ensure that, rather than "just" riding it, I'm riding it while offering constructive advice, rather than just for instance offering useless platitudes about horses.

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My comment was meant to be lighthearted. I am very appreciative of the Hubitat product, price point, staff and everyone who takes the time to post here. If it came across wise, then I will try and do better in the future.

Hey, give us some credit!

We live this business 7 x 24 and have done so for over two years. We have traversed these issues many times over. I pointed to the marktheknife post because you can't really expect us to engage in a full-on business strategy dialog here, and it's sort of a reach to think that you have hit upon the solution to whatever business model issues we face. :sunglasses:

We do appreciate your enthusiasm and desire to see this platform be a mainstay in the industry. We work toward that goal every day as best we can. Bear in mind, that at launch we had to play catch up, are still playing catch up, but soon we will have caught up with what you guys expect and need from a solid home automation platform. Then we will keep going!!



Fair enough. One of my pet-peeves are statements that (sound like) dismissing attempts to be helpful as (what I hear as) something equivalent to "shut up and suck it up". I'm under no illusions that my advice is always the most wonderful thing you'll ever experience, so I'm open to criticism... But don't deal well with dismissal. So.... take my snark as more lighthearted response than what I really wanted to say at the time :slight_smile:

I hereby grant permission to take your time in considering how best to implement my every piece of wisdom I bestow upon you :stuck_out_tongue:


My apologies if my comment started to take this thread off the rails.

I think feedback from customers is valuable, and anyone’s opinion re: what they would personally like to see happen (or not happen) is valid, including whether they would be willing to pay for feature x or y.

But I find comments to the effect of, “you guys are screwed if you do this (or don’t do that)” to be largely a waste of everyone’s time.

Why? Because no one can predict the future, nor do we know how other customers will react to a proposed change in strategy for a company. And, as I said, we as customers are by definition in the dark when it comes to all the factors that led the company to make a decision.

Just my opinion. Take it with a grain (or mountain) of salt. Or just ignore it :grin:.


Sorry to necropost, but this seems the best place to address this, and given the change to Wink this week, I think some confirmation would be appreciated.

Is it fair to say that the Hubitat stance on included services / premium services remains consistent from what @bravenel said two years ago in early 2018?


I really hope hubitat introduces some subscription. I love free but free is not sustainable, if all you do is sell hardware, at a 1-time cost, the numbers do not really work out. So while I do really like 1 time purchases, I feel like no company can stay in business this way. Just my 2c. Plus I like hubitat, own 2 hubs and would gladly get some sort of subscription if it meant a few more years of the servers staying up.


They mentioned in one post (probably accidentally) that they are working on some licensed options for integrators/Pros.

I haven't heard any rumors of any consumer space license/subscription offerings from Hubitat, though. I am all for it - if it is a value add. Not for it at all for existing capability.

While we've all voiced our input on how HE should run their business (me included) and I'm sure the HE team welcomes ideas (I know I sometimes think to myself when my customers tell me how to run things "just shut up already" but occasionally they have some amazing ideas I'd have never thought of!) -- there are MANY MANY MANY companies that just sell hardware without subscriptions. When was I last time you paid a monthly fee for a drill or a washing machine? "Planned obsolescence" is the key to the game for CE sales. When HE releases a new hub with some exciting new feature, X% of their current customers by the new hub + an additional Y new customers. They do that every 2-3 years and boom.

I've never given Apple a dime in subscription sales. I don't subscribe to Apple Music, I don't pay for iCloud, I don't pay for AppleCare... yet Apple gets me to buy a new iPhone and Apple Watch every 2-3 years when a new one comes out with some compelling feature. I really don't want to go through my receipts and see how much money I've paid Apple over the years for new hardware, I'd probably feel sick if I summed it all up...


Where was this? Interesting.

It was about distributing Rules or Automations (more generically) from an Integrator's hub to a Customer.


This exactly. I think it’s a matter of capturing the customers, developing the apps for pro installers, and fixing the existing bugs. I also think we will see a new hub soon.

A washing machine is hundreds of dollars, do you think a niche product selling for 80-120 dollars is sustainable? I can see how markup and mass sales help a washer but I would think these are different classes as well as markets...just my 2c