Powering on / Resuming Hubitat hub after 18 months - need guidance

So as the title hints, we sold our home, and built a new home, unfortunately that took almost a year and a half and this entire time my hub sat in storage.

Before I even power this hub on, what are the steps I need to do to make this a working system again, my guess is:

  • Power on the hub and update firmware
    Can I go straight to the most current or do I need to do this in steps?
  • Remove all devices and rules and start over
    Can I do this in bulk or do I need to do this one by one?

Thanks guys !

Pretty sure you can power it up and go straight to the most current. You may end up needing to do a network reset if the hub can't get an IP address from your new router. If you run into issues where the hub can't connect to the cloud but you know you have a valid connection try resetting the hub's clock from your browser time.

If you do a soft reset from the diagnostics page on port 8081 and a reset of both the zwave and zigbee radios you'll have a pretty much fresh configuration.

Network reset instructions:


@brad5 above suggestions are spot on. Once connected, the hub will update to the most recent version available. Below is the Soft Reset document for your reference. Radios can be reset from Z-Wave/Zigbee Details pages that can be accessed from the Settings page.



Thanks guys, that's exactly what I needed to know, you guys are great as usual !


Can't seem to reset Zigbee like I did Zwave - still seeing my devices listed after resetting 3 times and rebooting.

Did you try a Power Cycle?

Yep I sure did

I'd give it another go on the zigbee reset. After you do that and reboot. Shut down the hub. Unplug power to it for 30 seconds and power back up and check if it's clear.

Don't forget after you update the platform to the latest (, go to the z-wave details page and click the z-wave firmware update button.


So apparently neither the soft reset or Zigbee reset is working:

Anyway to do a hard reset ?

Full reset worked I think:

Maybe I'm not understanding how these resets work, but after multiple soft and full resets I still see my apps loaded and all my devices present, I don't believe anything is actually resetting.

Seems I need some help :frowning:

Finally figured it out.

I had to update the diagnostic tool first, then all the resets worked just fine


Glad it's working! Don't forget to update the z-wave stack now!

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