[Possible bug] Activating on mode change


I'm not sure this is intended or not, but here it goes.

I have a room that is only activated with motion sensors. I have different light levels per mode.
I enabled the option "activate on mode changes" because I wanted the lights to be adjusted if the room was active and the mode changed.
However, I noticed the following problem:
Before leaving the house, said room is activated because of motion, and the mode is day.
Then I leave, and the mode changes to away. The light then adjusts.
However, it never deactivates after that. I think the previous motion inactive timer gets ignored.

Could you please let me know if that's intended?

Thank you very much


Attaching a log screenshot, check out what happened between 9:28 and 14:02 - lights stayed on.

Might be best to provide some screenshots of the RL setup and perhaps some logs, but more likely the setup screenshots to begin with...


You may want to show the mode-based settings...

It's not much, it's basically different levels for the same lights and different durations for the inactivity timers.

Still... you never know,... may help....

I think I have experienced the same/similar issues. Some lights that are on via motion stay on when the mode changes, and won't go off until motion occurs and retrievers the motion rule.

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Tagging @gopher.ny and @bobbyD

I'm seeing the same behavior. It looks like Room Lighting is sending an activation on mode change instead of just adjusting the dim percentage. Since motion is already inactive at this point it never receives a turn off command so the light stays on.

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This problem is back again.

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