[PORT] Hubitat MQTT Bridge

Thanks for the port. Ive got it up and running on my Hubitat hub. I am using this to forward events from Hubitat to HomeAssistant.

I’m looking at the app code, and the driver code for a few aquara buttons ([Release] Xiaomi device drivers)

How much work is it to allow this app to capture the capability "PushableButton" events from the driver? As is, i can see the proper 1/2/3/4 click events being decoded by the driver for the button, but i am not sure of how to get this app to pick those events up and forward them to the rest->mqtt service.

Is it really as simple as adding another object to the CAPABILITY_MAP ?

Additionally, what’s the capability that needs to be added for airpressure measurements: xiaomi-hubitat/xiaomi-temperature-humidity-sensor-hubitat.groovy at master · veeceeoh/xiaomi-hubitat · GitHub