Poor Zigbee performance on C-7 hub

that's just loonie! :grin:
(sorry for my looney mistake)

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True. But it works. And works with pretty much any control/automation system.

If someone is inside your network already with the ability to sniff the traffic then you have other "security" concerns to focus on.


Just looked up the Sinope and see they have scene support and can change the color and intensity of the LED indicator. Is this all supported by Hubitat?

Nope. And if that was the case I would think my wifi would also be affected as well as all my Zigbee devices even when the switches aren't paired.

I've just been using it as a simple switch and a simple dimmer.

Are there any Lutron devices that can't be used through the bridge yet? That might be a gotcha for some people if so.

Security is not just a gatekeeper but a systemic philosophy with both active and passive parts. The idea is to detect/prevent/reduce damage as much as possible even if a network has been compromised. It's not really about losing control of your devices but preventing/limiting another possible attack vector.

Of course I'm just as guilty/lazy/complacent about my home stuff as everyone else.
:skull: :robot: :pirate_flag:

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The Caséta and RA2 Select motion sensors do not publish their activity on the Telnet connection. The RA2 Select motion sensor is the same as the RadioRA 2 sensor, which does publish motion events from its Main Repeater.

The Telnet connection is password protected, but about 98% of the credentials are lutron/integration. The Caséta and RA2 Select credentials are currently hard coded too.

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It's a little more complex than that. You can put one "Repeater" hub on the network (different from a Pro hub), and you can also put one Plug-In Dimmer to extend further.

From the Lutron FAQ site:


Didn't they put in a fix for that in 2.2.3? Release 2.2.3 Available


I have seen 3-4 different people in the last couple weeks say they have these, and are having Zigbee issues. I know they are supposed to be fantastic devices, but that is odd that Zigbee issues and Xbee would be mentioned in the same period of time.

I know it is annoying to hear this, but my Zigbee has been terrific recently, I have had zero issues even with Aqara devices. I even switched away from Markus's drivers back to Veeceeoh drivers and even these picky devices haven't dropped off like they did in the past.


Yes but with all my zigbee issues, I am on, as the auto-add ghosts feature is tremendously helpful in diagnosing issues, and that was removed in 2.2.3, which I tried upgrading twice. This on my C4.
It took me 3 days to pair a ring extender to my C7 hub, on the latest release.
It appears to me the releases, since C7, are not vetted well.

Can you share a list of your zigbee devices?

Sure. I think most of these are self explanatory. This is still the C5 by the way, I have not yet even thought about migrating Zigbee.


I have been very slowly migrating to the C7 from the C5. The Ring Extender V2 as I mentioned was the first thing I paired after 2.2.4 came out.

Apart from me trying to figure out how to get to the new hub instead of the old hub from the Android app, it paired just fine using the barcode on the back of the Ring. But I did have to exclude the extender first from the C7 before it was recognized. That is very normal for previously used Zwave devices, so nothing out of the ordinary there.

I have not had any issue as of yet pairing Zwave devices with the C7, I have tried pairing and removing random devices just to see what happened before trying to migrate a large group and having issues.

@Rxich I have also seen mention of others having problems and noticed the Xbee in the mix. If you have other repeaters in the mix it is worth a shot removing your Xbee at least temporarily and see if your hubs Zigbee performs any better. Not saying that the device is an issue as I do not have one so no experience with them, but their are many of us here with great results with both Zigbee and Zwave. I currently have 111 Zigbee Devices on my C7 Mesh with no issue to report.

I have 4 Ring Range Extender V2 and 1 Ring Range Extender V1 paired to my C7. They were the first devices I added to my C7 to start out with a Solid Mesh. My Zwave mesh is much more modest with only 30 devices, but they are all behaving as well.


I decided to keep my C-5 and use it for Zigbee devices since the radios are essentially the same in both hubs. My thinking is less stress on the C-7 (and C-5) and one hub going down won't take out all my devices.

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I'm also very reluctant to move to C7, given the feedback and my troubles. I see you have an Iris zigbee outlet(3210-l ?) what are your other zigbee outlets brands?
I gotta get me some stability, or you'll see me at the curb with a box of HA devices

I think they all are the 3210 Iris. I count 10 of them.

I actually bought the xbee's after I was having problems. Got tired of moving the repeating outlets around and looking for plugs.

I would suggest reaching out to support@hubitat.com to see if anything stands out in the logs that support is able to see.

One thing to take in to consideration with the Xbees is the High power of the antennas is great for transmit, however the other zigbee devices are going to be lower power so they will not transmit as far.

I know on Wireless devices with weak antennas you can still get signal from AP's and see that you have signal bars but are unable to connect as the end devices antenna's are weaker transmitting back to the AP then the signal being broadcast from the AP.

I'm not aware of scene support, in the Sinope switches/dimmers or what you would specifically use this for in HE. In regards to the indicator, this appears to be implemented via manufacturer specific commands, I asked for the details of this in the past and was denied due to some internal political bull ■■■■, or so I was told.
I requested these details again yesterday with my contact there.
In the mean time feel free to submit tickets to them requesting they expose this information, at the very least to us.

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On the product page they only say:

  • Create perfect ambiances with the scenes

On their support page they have a few docs about scenes but only their hub is ever mentioned so maybe scenes are only available with their hub. I was assuming it was like the Inovelli scene support where you hit the rocker multiple times on one end or the other to trigger something else but their docs are not clear if it even works like that with their own hub.