I find that the lock does not always report when it is locked or unlocked. A refresh always brings it back in sync.
I had a webcore piston running to refresh it every 5 minutes which was working, however this meant any automations triggered off it could be 5 minutes late. Including the front door is unlocked announcements. I am trying to get away from using webcore, so I setup this RM rule.
I was reading through this thread and thought the suggested solution was to refresh these devices every 10 seconds or so.
The lock is pretty far from the hub, however I have several zwave repeaters in place. Z wave repairs do not resolve issue even though everything seems to come back clean.
Ok couple things to think about, if you are checking door lock state as part of a good night routine and sending alerts if its unlocked, you could just refresh lock state prior to that routine. This wont help if you are sending alerts for door unlocked through out the day.
What lock are you using here?
It also looks like there's a bug in the lock logging, if all logging is off, it shouldn't produce anything in the logs.
Lol yeah this really why I posted, I wanted to get rid of these logs. It looked like @bravenel had identified this as an issue with another driver, So I figured I would post.
Now you have me worried though that something is amiss. Looking through this thread it seems it not unusual that some some device reports do not always make it through.
I use the lock state to trigger a few automations throughout the day. One is the audio alerts that is locked or unlocked. The other is to lock it again if it stays unlocked for 5 minutes. The auto lock is the one that is really more important to me. Before I setup the refresh the door could get unlocked and would stay unlocked for hours. (Plus out of all my devices I feel like the status of my door lock is one that I would much prefer be accurate when I look at it...).
The lock in question is a schlage zwave camelot. If you hvae suggestions for a more appropriate resolution I am open to try anything. Just let me know.
Ok, maybe this, on your scheduled "check if the door is unlocked", work in a refresh before you check it.
For the door auto lock, I use a contact sensor on my doors and send a delayed lock command off of the contact close event, this prevents the door from locking itself when open in addition to not needing to know what the state of the lock is.
Anything you can do to reduce the amount of polling on your network will contribute to increased responsiveness and reliability.
Hi @mike.maxwell - Thanks for the suggestions. There is something about the state of my lock being out of sync that leaves me uncomfortable. I can live with lots of other devices not updating properly. I want to know if that door is locked or not. It would be nice if another solution came up besides refreshing it, this is the only way I have come up with to keep it reliably locked.
I do have a contact sensor here. It will not solve the problem all of the time though. Say someone unlocks the door but does not open it? Or a false presence event unlocks it while everyone is asleep.
any rule or automation capable of doing this should be mode restricted.
There are very, very few automations that I allow to run when the house is in mode "sleeping"
I found this thread while trying to figure out why my switch status wasn’t updating in the iOS Home app (I’m using homebridge) if I physically interacted with the switch. I created a rule machine rule to refresh my z-wave devices (I have 12) every minute. Am I going to run into any performance or stability issues by having this rule run every minute? In a perfect world I’d like it to update faster than every minute, but I want to balance having up-to-date info in the app without sacrificing performance and/or stability of my mesh network.
Some users poll every 10 seconds. Only poll the ones where it is important. This should not cause performance issues, or z-wave mesh issues. Hitting the mesh harder than that might. You can fine tune this. The less you do it, the better.
I had 20 second polling on devices I needed near instant status on that had automations set. I also had 3 minute and 4 minute polling on other switches, the 4 minute was triggered by the 3 minute so they wouldn’t overlap. I experienced lag from time to time with my closet lights that are triggered by Motion, expected them to turn on near instantly but sometimes it would take 20-30 seconds.
I ended up changing out all the switches I was polling 20 seconds with Zwave plus switches since they report physical events which helped a lot. I also installed the zone motion app and use it to trigger refresh so I am only refreshing those devices when someone has been in an area vs all the time. This has also helped.
Hopefully these ideas will provide some help as I have tons of older GE switches that require refresh, over 50 of them. I have a string mesh but the frequent refresh was straining it from time to time.
Yesterday one of my new GE Z-Wave Plus in-wall Smart Switches (model 14291) stopped reporting physical switch presses; it had reliably done so ever since i installed it about 6 weeks ago. Odd, since it is not one of those which require polling to keep their switch state in sync with digital events. So I rebooted the hub (made no difference) and also initiated a Z-Wave repair as well just in case some routing table had gone pork-- also ineffective. Still no physical event reporting, even though it functioned and indicated its status normally when commands were issued by HE.
As a last resort before adding the switch to my list of non-reporting Z-Wave switches handled by my RM periodic refresh app, I pulled the 'air gap' on the switch for a few seconds. Success-- it started generating physical switch events again. Apparently the air gap reset was enough to 'reboot' its Z-Wave module and get it working properly again. I haven't read of this scenario before; hopefully its not a frequent issue with these devices.
I was thinking physical events not logging was another issue of the firmware, I did a rule in RM to refresh some of my switches and dimmers every 10 seconds and everything looks fine now, I almost complain why they worked in ST, I learned that ST was refreshing all devices every 10 seconds so doing the same in HE for just 2 devices(those 2 we use them physically a lot) will not make a issue(like eating the CPU). Thanks for the info.