Two Hubitat updates ago, I was using physical switch triggers in Rule Machine with no issue. I setup a rule that would automatically adjust the light brightness based on time of day, but only if the light is physically switched on (so that scenes and manual commands through Google Home wouldn't be overridden).
As of the previous Hubitat update, this rule still functioned, but also engages when I turn the physical switch off, so the light would briefly turn off and then turn right back on. The switch is a GE Z-wave Plus Dimmer (using [RELEASE] GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus Dimmer Driver), and previously worked as expected (the physical off button would not trigger the rule). Log output:
It appears that the Rule Machine is executing the rule with any physical press. Interestingly, if I set a rule to run on physical switch "off", it works correctly and only executes on the off press. "On", however, is executing on both on and off physical presses.
This behavior was introduced in the last update, and I waited to send this in to confirm that it continues with the latest update. Please help!