"Performance Manager" for Hubitat

Is there a way to view realtime CPU performance of my hub and CPU usage by application? Something akin to Windows Performance Manager? I've seen references on this forum to Runtime Stats but can't find it. I'm new to HE and would like to better understand what's going on under the hood. Thank you.

Logs tab, there is a column for Device stats and App Stats.


Although not strictly App / Device relates stats, if you are interested in some more general performance metrics, the Hub Information driver would also be another place to look, particularly if you have an option to send the current state to an external database and analytics solution, like InfluxDB and Grafana.


Beat me to it. I was also going to mention that you can put the stats on a Dashboard tile with this driver.


Something like this:

This is just in Grafana's interface itself, but you can use an iFrame driver in HE to create a virtual device for displaying the Grafana (or other system's) dashboard on a HE tile.


One last thing I would add is "real-time" can often be a relatively "loose" term in things like this. The Hub Info driver is (I believe) essentially polling the HE system for the current state, which you don't want to be doing every couple of seconds. It is (in my view) there to provide a general feel for the state of the hub, particularly when viewed over a period of time like my dashboard shows. You would not use to monitor second by second changes in performance as you are running an App or commands in a driver, for example.


Created using the Hub Information Driver courtesy of @thebearmay


What is that dashboard in? Love the look!

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It is Home Assistant using the Mushroom card integration.

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Oh! Yeah I had home assistant for literally one device. It is not for me!

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Not for everybody, but it works for me.
Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 7.28.11 PM

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Thanks for all of the suggestions. I ended up using Webcore to glean info from the Hub Information device driver and write it to a text file every 30 minutes. It showed the hub was low on memory which a reboot fixed.


I use Hubigraphs to track free memory and database size from the Hub Information Driver.

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