I looked at your query from several days ago.
My thoughts (but not an offer): Looking at the API, many can be readily accomplished - but would require you to perform some tests in the process. It is dependent on the functionality you want in Hubitat. The device itself can play URLs, USB devices. It is also multi-room. The complexity will determine the difficulty (See Samsung Multiroom for idea of complexity). What are the functions you want coded?
- Playback Control (Pause, Resume, etc) - not difficult.
- Playback Control - single or playlist - more complex - depending on what you want. Simple URL is relatively easy. Device or streaming service playback is more difficult.
- USB Playback - simple previous, next. Difficult to display/manipulate list.
- Multiroom - most difficult (mostly getting started w/o test device).
For all. The barebone device is < 40 on Amazon (US). Not an expensive development platform.