Paul Hibbert compares Hubitat and HomeAssistant

In the future I hope Hubitat leadership will consider their options before sponsoring this guy. He is an embarrassment to the IoT community.

I don't think so, but they should also reach out to the other popular channels like smart home solver. Their are so few videos about Hubitat out there.


Although I feel that Hibbert is obnoxious (like many of you), it's critical to keep in mind that he has 190K Subscribers, of which many have already seen the video. That's the reason he is called an "influencer". People who are just getting into the HA field are influenced by him.
His one criticism of Hubitat (lack of many IR/wifi interfaces) is a valid point, but the overall importance of this facet is questionable. Even as he said, it depends - if you have Boradlink/Tuya products go for HA, otherwise stick with Hubitat.

However, I am disappointed that in the automation segment, he awarded a tie. I am personally sure that Hubitat beats HA in this area -hands down. It's not just Rule Machine, it's RM +Simple Automation+Basic Rules+Motion Lighting+Button Controller+ (etc.).

He could also have mentioned that in the past 2+ years, Hubitat has really picked up it's zwave game. It's by far much more advanced in zwave than HA. Better routing, better mesh coduits, better, better, better.

I would hope that in the next few years, Hubitat does for zigbee what it has done for zwave.


I’m anticipating this keenly.

Funny - my zigbee is just perfect, never have a single issue with it (other than the motion sensors I accidentally drop and break off and on). If my Z-Wave had been like my Zigbee over the past couple of years, Hubitat would have been perfect. :slight_smile:

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I’m hoping the next-gen hub will have a CC2652/CC1352 based zigbee radio.

Like in the Sonoff dongle? Well if you want it I'm pretty sure I want it as well, so count me on board.

And remember, @erktrek still wants a pony. So it would be good if HE could make that happen as well. :wink:


DIY Home Automation Guy is starting projects again... He took about a year off for some personal reasons.

I'm not familiar with that one. I'll check out his channel.

"The Hookup" is decent:


I just enjoyed hearing him say Z-Wave.

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Thought I would add this weeks Paul HIbbert video under the cartoons category because I can't stop laughing that he has home assistant in a ease of use video against Hubitat:


That is the stone-cold funniest post we have ever had. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think it's time for @bobbyD to close this thread, we're done here. :wink:


Well done, you! Wish I could give this more than one like!!


Same here, I run HA too and in no way is it easier to use than Hubitat!

He also didn’t do his research because tuya Wifi products are supported using the very same tuya dev account setup that HA uses. I know because I have my wifi blinds motors integrated with both systems.

Also Home kit is supported via homebridge, just like HA only better!

Btw, @bobbyD you guys might want to reach out and demand @PaulHibbert do a follow up video and help him with his research, it’s clearly lacking!

Edit: after calming down, I sent Paul a polite DM with some examples and info to help him out. I really don’t want him reaching through the TV and slapping me! :rofl:


As @dJOS has just alluded to, Paul has a user account here (and has posted before, although I don’t think he ever intended to post much). So perhaps he is reading these posts.

Even if he isn’t, can’t we have a discussion about his YouTube persona without attacking him as a person? It is presumably a schtick he developed to attract an audience, so like it or not, it appears to have worked out well enough for him so far?


I don't think anyone is saying he is a bad person. In fact I'd probably enjoy having a beer with the guy. I think everyone is commenting on the schtick though which I think is fair game to a degree. My only real problem with the video itself is there isn't any meat to it. It's all surface...


Thank you everyone for your comments. Your passion is what motivates all of us here at Hubitat, to bring you the best home automation platform.

We know that is difficult to compare and contrast Hubitat Elevation against Home Assistant without considering the efforts that Hubitat community has made over the years to further the platform. As result, it's common to alienate one to the advantage of the other.

Home Assistant would not be as powerful as it is today, without the tremendous contribution of their community, and neither would be Hubitat.