Paul Hibbert compares Hubitat and HomeAssistant

The video is sponsored by Hubitat but Paul does a fair comparison I think.

I am currently using both systems working together for my setup.


I am currently using one of those systems x 4....:slight_smile:

Good to see HE get a run in a more mainstream arena....


About time for some love. The by far most important thing he said was that HE and HA are really the only real options out there that are worth a damn. Though I guess Home Seer, and Smartthings are decent too. Ignorance, marketing, and straight up lies in the Home Automation world are so incredibly rampant.

Side note, How many Tuya Zigbee devices are actually supported in HE, I was under the impression that its not many. Full Tuya integration would give HE every single device type known to man.


He's a bit annoying and he really didn't get to the meat of anything.


A lot of tuya works with generic drivers, but even more need custom drivers from the likes of @kkossev. Hubitat talked with Tuya about better support but they only wanted to integrate their cloud solution so they could get data and Hubitat said not just no, but FARK NO! So as they come to market here, tuya products will be handled by the community dev's.


I'd say that was a fair comparison, although personally I don't think he put enough weight on the negative that is constantly having to fiddle and maintain HA.

I do enjoy his videos, he brings some humour to what is normally presented in a very dull and matter of fact way.


Probably not too far from any new user..... The meat really only comes from longer consistent use....
You will get a mixture of thoughts and experiences from early use.... and different senses' of humour..... I'll be the first to admit he has probably taken some comedic tools further than I would like... but can afford him some slack for his openness and honesty in different .... Not always the justification for an allowance when assessing a review.... but .... well.... we're not a scientific peer review journal.... so get over it :slight_smile: I'm willing to take any exposure for a platform that I support, that has been given not enough exposure in my mind...


Fair enough... Just needs to tone it


How many yachts do Bruce and Mike own....? :laughing: :laughing:


@bcopeland is on his down in the keys,.,,, :rofl:


So LIFX must be worth a look then...?

His videos are definitely not for the experienced techie or maybe grownups (:wink:) but they do hold your attention..

I've enjoyed his thoughts about Matter and other things. Generally good commentary on the home automation industry and HA products and services..


A bit annoying? How about obnoxious as hell!


Paul is sort of an acquired taste -- I really enjoy him though and I thought his comparison was remarkably fair. He is really into tuyo and broadlink devices so it makes sense that the lack of strong support (compared to Home Assistant) would be a downside to him -- He also rightly points out that the Hubitat is cheaper and more stable.


I quit watching him about a year ago, just too obnoxious. At that time he did not even know what home automation was. He thought having a phone app or Echo device for control was home automation. Has he been enlightened? I wouldn't know, I can't stand to watch him.


I watched it, but I wanted to turn it off. I sat through it just because he was talking about HE. His style doesn't work for me.


I found some of his points were fair, but often Paul takes a position for its dramatic use rather than the validity of the detail. His rage against Hue makes no sense for example when, unlike his favoured companies, they make it easier than most to use their stuff with other platforms. Yes they see themselves as premium and are overpriced, but that hardly makes them unique or evil.

I don't think he digs into the detail very much, and really just provides a surface level skit show on the industry at times.

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My previous comment was in bad taste. I apologize.

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That is an understatement.

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I just really pity any non-tech consumer who tries to go the HA route because of his ease of use rating. Just nutty...

I do like some of the humor, but too much of the time he's trying a bit too hard.

At least he seems to understand the value of local...(but I have to admit I didn't watch the whole video...just couldn't take it after a while). :slight_smile: