Patched webCoRE for Hubitat (2018/09/09)

check the edited link above/below

Did webcore change repo's again ?

OK folks.
I've been doing some testing as my pistons work and others do not.
I just updated to the code from the link in the post above and now my pistons do not turn off the light.
From the logs no 'off' command is sent.
There is a bug in the above code.

Hi @bobbles
It would be good for you to enable private messaging so I can see your issues. I don't want to work individual issues that wastes others time in the forum.

I've not got any issues. (My wife might disagree with that though :wink:)
Just been trying to help @mpoole32 with his issue of lights not turning off and just confirmed it was the code he was using that was the issue.

It would be good for you to enable private messaging

Not really sure what this means. Private messaging is enabled and I have used it with the HE team in fault finding.

Updated March 4, 2019

Kit has been updated to correct recent issues.

Something I noticed that if you are using older zwave devices (vs. zwave plus devices), you may need to add a refresh on the older devices in your pistons. This is due to ST vs. HE differences in handling of older zwave devices.

New version

  • Should be much faster, especially if Parallel execution is turned (left) off for your piston
  • use Async http calls for http commands
  • should fix HSM command issue reported

Here is an updated webcore forked from the original in this thread.

It has quite a few changes, primarily to add pauses into long running pistons so as to not hang the hub.

This version is a bit faster in that a lot of parent/child calls have been removed, and several bugs fixed.

I also removed code for lifx, a lot of comments (that caused problems compiling/saving on hubitat).

While a noble goal to keep the source the same as ST, this is impractical because of sheer code size, and the inherent higher horsepower ST has running in the cloud (Pistons don't compete with each other as much as they do on hubitat).

Pistons that run a long time will automatically "be nice" and release the cpu so other things can run / operate.

As mentioned in other notes, it is a good idea to control your use of:

  • global variables - limit subscriptions (if you use multiple, see if you can subscribe to less variables for a trigger)

  • How many events a piston receives

  • avoid enabling parallel execution (in a piston, - this should not be needed normally) as hubitat has much less available CPU than a cloud. (and this is a big hog of hub resources)

  • I suggest you not enable log piston executions in the WebCoRE app as this adds a bit of overhead on the hub and database (this is a webcore setting; not a piston/code setting).

  • Control your use of logging, both in code in your piston, and in the dashboard when enabling logging on pistons. It is a good idea to leave it on "none" once you are done debugging to reduce load on the hub and the database. (I have thought about auto turning it down, but that may be a bridge too far for some)


  • It is a good idea to reboot your hub before installing, and let it settle the db for a few mins.

  • The storage app is not used on Hubitat, so you can just not bother installing it.

  • You only need fuel stream installed if you enable local fuel streams.


Thanks for updating and maintaining the code.
Is it possible to put in a version/last updated line so it is easier to see if we need to update if we don't visit this thread for a while.

FYI, private messages to you do not likely should enable them so folks can respond to you privately. The version number you request is a bit more complicated that it sounds due to the webcore servers....

Hmm. You've mentioned this before.
When I look at my account it says PM is enabled and I have had PM sessions with the HE team in the past.

If version updates are not possible, can you put COMMENTS in to reflect dates / times / own version?


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I'm still voting for HECoRE or HubCoRE. :smile:


So if you go to account -> Preferences -> Notifications this option is checked?

Allow other users to send me personal messages

Sure is and as I have already said, I've had PM messages with HE staff and other members.

Not sure why @nh.schottfam is getting the message.

Weird. Mystery setting. :smile:

His profile is hidden so you can't message him from there. Go to your profile and go to messages and add him to a new message. This was not obvious to me so I am mentioning it. Discourse, unlike some forum software, does not require a message to initiate from the recipient's profile page.

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Do I have to remove my current webCoRe to use yours or can I simply update the repo url ?

This new one can overwrite the existing one.

I have not seeing any issues with this. If you did you can go into webcore after updating and hit done.

What's the url to the git file ?