Hot fix has been released and is reported to fix webcore
I've been working with @chuck.schwer on my theory that the slowdowns were caused by the 120 timeout limit, even though webcore wasn't necessarily hitting those timeout limits in normal operation. I verified that the changes made to webcore around the time of the update and the removal of the blacklisted methods were not causing the slowdowns. On my second hub I was seeing the same slowdowns especially on startup where the dashboard wouldn't load, and events would take 20-30 seconds to process instead of the subsecond range
He sent me a build of 1.1.3 today that had the timeouts disabled and everything worked great! Webcore and the hub stablized within 3 minutes of bootup with no slowdows or errors, and the dashboard loaded correctly. I'm not sure what the next steps are from their side, but in the meantime, until they announce them, the last version of 1.1.2 (right before the time limits were introduced) should run webcore correctly.