Pairing Yale Conexis L1

Watching this thread with interest!! My Door lock is still currently paired to ST with unnecessarily complex pairing to get the events to pass through to HE. Its the other ST Yale lock - but I have an L1 and the behaviour is exactly the same so I guess when its fixed on one it will be fixed on the other.

Let us know when there is something to test!

the driver for this will be in platform 2.1.2


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Yay !!!!
Updated my hub in Ireland to 2.1.2
Pared a Conexis successfully and it's working !!!!

Many thanks Mike.


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so I was also able to successfully pair my Keyless connected now.. however - the generic Z-wave Lock driver works but not perfectly with it... so I'm going to have to stick with the ST fallback for now

I'm confused, this thread is specifically regarding the Yale Conexis L1, what Lock are you talking about?

Hi Mike,

The EU Keyfree connected, Keyless Connected and Conexis L1 are all very similar devices (and I'm guessing share a lot of the underlying tech).

Until the latest update, I was unable to pair my Keyfree connected properly (it would pair but there must have been some security failure as no commands would get successfully sent between the hub and the device - I must have tried to pair it nearly 50 times with this result). Since the update it now pairs correctly, and using the generic z-wave device handler lock and unlock commands work. However, unfortunately user code setting does not work correctly - it works sporadically at best.. so not good enough to use for an actual door lock.

I'm not sure if this is something you could debug without the device - if you need the device, for a ridiculous reason (I once needed a replacement, and yale sent me 2 of the wrong devices and never asked for them back) I have a spare keyfree and keyless connected lock - however they are quite heavy so I think sending them to you may be out of the question from the UK.

What's interesting is that there have been no changes to Z-Wave in the past few releases.

If you don't mind, please pm me the approximate shipping costs.

Thanks @mike.maxwell @simon I now have my front door lock working with Hubitat. Gives me a warm feeling to know it's no longer exposed via Samsung's cloud.


In truth, I haven't tested it failing with every update, the last time I checked was about 4 months ago - so this is something that must have been fixed without my knowledge

I'll look into it

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@adamv @mike.maxwell

If you were to get your spare one to me in Ireland by Tuesday next I don't mind being a mule.... Early Wednesday I'm on the big bird back to USA.


Hi @mike.maxwell Would you be able to add an auto-lock time of 2 minutes to the driver settings? The lock can support 2 minutes and it would be useful to be able to select it from Hubitat.

according to this it doesn't support 120 seconds...

Ah, that's odd. I can set it to 120 seconds with the old Conexis android app (v1.5) and it works.

Was a fix ever found for this as i'm having the same problem?

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