Has anybody experienced problems trying to pair an Aeon Minimote? I have both the first and second generation, and neither works. I'm following the ST-like directions to put the Hub in inclusion mode, then press the "Learn" button on the remote (or "Join" on the v1 remote), but nothing shows up as discovered in Hubitat, even after waiting a few minutes and being very close to the hub.
I've also reset the Minimote by holding "Include" and "Remove" down (or the corresponding "+" and "-" buttons on the v1 remote) together for 10 seconds and trying the Hubitat discovery process again. I've made sure my battery was fully charged on both. I tried putting the remote in "Learn" mode and then putting the Hub in discovery mode (the Aeon manual seems to suggest this?), but that also didn't work.
I tried the same steps with one of the remotes on ST, and it paired right away, so I don't think there's a problem with my remote or with my attempts at pairing, unless the process is different for Hubitat. In this case, does anyone know what that would be? And in any case, other things I could try to get this to pair that I haven't already thought of would be appreciated. Thanks!
Glad to know it’s not just me, at least! It sounds like the staff listed it is a compatibledevice (and some posts allude to it working, but they’re more about button-controller apps and I’m not sure if anyone has tried this specific device).
Please share your secrets for pairing them. Are they paired like a normal Z-Wave device? Because that isn’t working for me, and you can see above everything that I’ve tried. If I need to go through an app for some reason instead, I could try that, but I’m not able to find any instructions.
Because of my "different circumstances" in terms of the way I've picked to "migrate," I am able to pair the Minimote to my ZWave network via another Controller. **
However, at this moment with v702 Hubitat code, I'm not able to use the Minimote on the Hubitat.
** I have 4 Controllers - Hubitat as "primary + suc + sis" & an Aeon Z-Stick & SmartThings (formerly the primary + suc + sis [moved via Zensys Tools]) & a 2nd Z-Stick on either Debian or Windows 7 (virtual machines that I run one at a time and each can "see" the ZStick) to run either OZWCP or Zensys Tools. @JDRoberts has assured me that with the Hubitat at "primary" (ZWave ID=1) the other Controllers are "secondaries." And because I have moved the SIS to Hubitat, then when I Join a ZWave device via another controller, the primary will learn that fact.
After being unable to Join the Minimote directly to Hubitat, I joined it using a ZStick (from OpenRemote's functionality.) I then created a virtual device in Hubitat and gave it the correct NodeID (131/0x8B) and have been able to see a tiny few messages on Hubitat.
Device Events show it's learned the Minimote has 4 buttons. Logs are not as encouraging however:
dev:2242018-03-15 13:58:38.784:warnconfigure...
dev:2242018-03-15 13:58:27.693:warnconfigure...
dev:2242018-03-15 13:42:40.611:warnconfigure...
dev:2242018-03-15 13:29:48.053:warndebug logging disabled...
dev:2242018-03-15 12:59:55.792:errorNo signature of method: AeonMinimote.push() is applicable for argument types: (java.math.BigDecimal) values: [1] Possible solutions: use([Ljava.lang.Object;), run(), run(), dump(), parse(java.lang.String), is(java.lang.Object) on line null
dev:2242018-03-15 12:59:48.010:warnconfigure...
dev:2242018-03-15 12:59:34.959:warnconfigure...
dev:2242018-03-15 12:58:54.519:warndescription logging is: true
dev:2242018-03-15 12:58:54.517:warndebug logging is: true
dev:2242018-03-15 12:58:54.514:infoupdated...
I began at the same place as @bertabcd1234. Should have worked using v702 code.
ONLY AFTER failing to join “normally” did I go down the other path. Hubitat has already acknowledged that v702 will frustrate my efforts to join devices this way… so I’m not complaining!! Just adding “clues” into the discussion.
I had 2 paired and one was giving me issues so I excluded it and attempted to repair it. It won’t repair properly. In my experience the discover page never changes, but if you pull up another browser tab, navigate to Settings\Z-wave Information and scroll to the bottom, you will find a new entry, but no device in the far right column. This must have broken with the latest firmware version since again I was able to pair Minimotes prior.
I have been in touch with @bobbyD in support regarding this. Please open a support ticket if you haven’t already.
I was able to successfully pair one as well, but if I remember correctly I had issues excluding it from ST. I had to factory reset it before pairing it:
Reset the device to factory defaults by pressing and holding “Associate” and “Learn” buttons on the Minimote for 10s – red and blue LED’s will start blinking
Both LED’s will stay solid to indicate successful reset
I paired it on an older Hubitat firmware. I doubt that has any effect but I have another minimote to move over so I'll try the same process tonight and see if it works the same way.
Yes, sorry, forgot to mention that I started with a fully factory reset Minimote. Fully Excluded. The fact that it did join uneventfully via another Controller suggests that. I’ve been having this issue with joining new devices since v702 and because of the already acknowledged and inadvertent bug, I have been assuming “it’s just me.” This thread caused me to try again.
You may be on to something—I’m using the latest firmware and haven’t checked the “Z-Wave Information” section but wouldn’t be surprised. I’ll open a ticket with support if trying again tonight doesn’t work.
(As mentioned, I have already tried resetting both remotes to no avail.)
I tried pairing my other minimote tonight on the new 703 firmware and eventually got it paired, but it was pretty odd. Here’s the process I went though:
Exclude from ST
Factory reset minimote
Hubitat > Discover Devices
Minimote flashes blue then red a few times (from what I remember it did the same thing on the last minimote that paired successfully). It never shows up as a device in the Discover Devices page though.
Check Z-Wave Devices and it shows up as Alive with a Discover button in the Device column
Click Discover and detects as Aeon Minimote
Aeon Minimote device shows correct number of buttons state. Tried hitting a few buttons but never receives any events
Remove device and make sure it’s gone under Z-Wave devices
I repeated this process 4 times rebooting each time to make sure it was fully removed from Z-Wave devices list. On the 4th time it was the same but step 7 was different on Z-Wave devices. The status was Initializing instead of Alive. Clicked Discover button, then pushed a button on the remote, and the blue/red LEDs flashed a few times and started reporting status!
The only difference was that I got tired and sat down about 15 ft away from the hub The other three times I was about a foot away from the hub. On the second try I put the minimote right next to the USB stick. Is there such a thing as being too close? Or just coincidence it paired on this try?
This worked for me also, took about 7 tries though. I was giving up lol. I have been trying the remote since the last version with no luck. Seen you were lucky so I started trying again. Phew, that was a lot of hard button pushing lol. There has to be a bug or something somewhere. It sees it, but something just isn’t right.
Thanks to @mattw for the instructions! On the latest firmware, that worked for me for my v2 Minimote. (Of course, I’m pretty sure it should just work from “Discover Devices,” so there’s probably a problem here, but at least this paired it.) I only had to do it once, not remove and re-add it, because after “Discover”-ing it for the first time from the Z-Wave Devices page, button presses were successfully reported.
The same almost worked for my v1 Minimote, though I almost missed it because it showed up at the top of the Z-Wave Devices page instead of the bottom. In this case, however, I did need to repeat the join/remove/re-join process a few times as stated. I imagine this has more to do with my luck and chance rather than any actual difference between the devices.
@MEarly - I think you need to re-read the Terms of Service that YOU agreed to when you bought the Hubitat Elevation Hub... Specifcally "7. Warranties. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE HUBITAT PLATFORM IS NOT FULLY DEVELOPED AND MAY HAVE ERRORS OR DEFECTS. "
This platform is under DEVELOPMENT. You did not buy into a finished product. You bought into an early release of an amazing platform. You bought into an AMAZING team of very talented developers that have accomplished something great. You bought into a Community of like-minded individuals who are here to help and support one another.