OwnTracks Recorder Frontend

I'm currently on a HE C7 and went down the rabbit hole of getting OwnTracks set up with MQTT and Node-Red to push presence into HE. So if you have some questions I'll answer what I can but for those of you who have gone before me..... LOL! Are you using Recorder with Frontend? I got Recorder set up just fine, Frontend is making me scratch my head. Docker-Compose sets up the container just fine but I cannot access the web ui. Keeps telling me the server is not responding. :weary: Thoughts?

Just wanted to make sure you're aware of this new community Owntracks integration that was just released...It creates Owntrack virtual devices that track/report presence in HE via the Owntrack mobile app and an HE app. Very easy to set up if you don't find an easy path through the Recorder/Frontend forest. :slight_smile:

Changes include:

  • Operates as a background service
  • Set the defaults that the Hubitat app is recommending for the first start.
  • Reports back during a ping or manual location, regardless if the location accuracy is good, or if there is any location. The returned location has a timestamp of "0", and allows for a phone to register a heartbeat with the app.
  • Adds in extra fields to indicate if the mobile app is in battery saver mode, the app is in restricted battery mode or does not have high precision which then gets displayed on each user's virtual driver. They also get displayed on the "friends" tile in the mobile app.
  • Fixed the broken "delete regions" in Android 2.4.12.
  • Monitoring mode button ('Play' symbol) has been disabled to prevent users from accidentally disabling the location updates.

Attributes available from the virtual Owntracks devices created by the app:


Not trying to take anything away from what you're doing, just wanted to make sure you were aware of this option.


Yes I saw it. If I remember correctly you couldn't see family members like you can in Life360. That's why I decided to go this route. I found my problem. There was an error in pointing to the Host. :man_facepalming:t2:

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Given the recent Life360 issues, I will be heading towards OwnTracks pretty soon. Just need to get my hub back online. Over 48 hours now with zero automation. Sucks running around the house turning off lights that everyone else leaves on. And the question why I have so many motion sensors everywhere.

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I suspect my wife is an employee of our local electric company...she leaves every light on after she leaves the room, w/out fail. So I automate them and then she complains if my automations don't turn off a light. :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

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Hahaha. No kidding. I'll get the "I'm coming right back" excuse. Or the "it's my reminder to return to do X"

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Hi, I have set up the Owntracks with MQTT, How are you using it for presence on Hubitat ? I am currently using it for GDO automation using tesla-gdo app (link below). Since I define the topics for this app i can't set the regions in owntracks. Are you able to set geofences independently ? I would love to do that if possible. I had installed NOde-red but was having a hard time setting nodes so i gave up.

GitHub - brchri/tesla-geogdo: A lightweight app that will operate your smart garage door openers (GDOs) based on the location of a defined tracker, automatically closing when you leave, and opening when you return. Supports multiple vehicles, trackers, geofence types, and smart GDO devices.

I am using Node-Red. HE has a video on integrating nodes into it. You can find that here: A Node-Red Introduction for Hubitat Owners

If you have any other questions about setting it up let me know.

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