I am wanting to obtain the temperature outside. all i am attempting to do is if the weather gets below say 35 degrees outside i will turn the water to the outdoor spigots off to avoid a freezing.
i see there are apps that can get the temperature which would be ideal but there seem to be so many threads that are endless.
or maybe just easier to get a z-wave temperature device and place it outside and just read it
I've seen several recommendations for the Ecowitt lineup if you want 100% local accuracy. Aside from that, there's a bakers dozen of weather apps out there. I'm currently using this one.
I have a weather driver that uses NWS data if you are in the USA. Does not need any codes or API keys which many do. For temperature it has hourly data plus a 24 hour rolling average.
Of course having an outdoor temperature sensor is nice as long, as you remember to change the batteries, which can run die quickly in cold weather.