OpenGarage 2.0 Support

OpenGarage has released new hardware (and firmware). Would be great if we could integrate with Hubitat.

Looks to be a very simple API and everything appears to be available via local http calls.

I just purchased one. Happy to test if anyone wants to write a driver!

Can Rule Machine parse JSON?

You could make it do it, but it isn't what it's designed to do.

Just for the sake of curiousity, and assuming the device is still in it’s factory state (if not you’ll need to do some substitution), can you enter

For the sake of curiosity, why do you want me to make the device click?

Wanted to see if a local http call would open the door. If so you could possibly get a purely local driver built and not involve their cloud interface.

Ah, yes! I should have specified. I'm only interested in local control, notifications, and data.

Also, control is a secondary concern. I primarily want the dist value and vehicle presence notifications. Unfortunately, the vehicle presence notifications IFTTT integration has not been implemented.

sets off a series of four beeps.

Hmmm. How about:

Gooooood. How about the /jc endpoint (I had edited the above but guess you grabbed it as I was doing that)


Oh this is a real easy one then; as long as it's on the same subnet as the hub it looks like it's just a matter of send a couple of GETs and parsing the JSON....

Garage Door is closed, it sees a vehicle at about 69cm, cloud option is turned off, WiFi strength is in the good range...

Do you know of an example of how to do this?

Should have some time to work on a quick prototype for you tomorrow. Device is set up to be polled, i.e. if the door opens and closes you won't know it unless the driver happens to ask for an update when it is open.

I have a MQTT version written for Garadget and from that video it looks like it supports MQTT also. That should be a very easy port if going that direction.

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Amazing, thank you!

I personally won't be using the door open and close immediately (or ever). My primary intent is vehicle detection.

MQTT is supported and I have considered that route but don't have any experience. My understanding is that I need to setup a MQTT broker and Node-RED. Is this correct? If so are there native or popular user Apps for MQTT and Node-Red?

MQTT Broker, yes. Node Red, no. You CAN use a cloud MQTT broker service for this but that isn't very Hubitat everything local. I run a very simple mosquitto MQTT broker on my NAS. Others run them on RasPi, etc. Completely understand if you don't want to do that. Just offering I'm betting there isn't a WHOLE lotta work to convert my drivers for this setup considering they are both garage doors.