Open Weather Map not updating

Anyone having trouble with the OWM driver status not updating? It literally only updates for me when I go into the driver page and hit the refresh button.


I had the same experience.
I switched to this:

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Same here, I also switched to apixu a few days ago.

I set just up a rule to refresh OWM every 5 minutes.

Thanks for the fix idea. I'd like to see the driver do that on it's own but if that's not how it was intended to work I guess this will do in a pinch. I'd never used the PERIODIC trigger before.


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I tried that back when I was trying OWM. It didn't seem to work.

It's been working fine for me the last two weeks or so. What didn't work for you?

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It just never seemed to update even though I made a rule to refresh every 5 minutes.
Not a big deal for me as I'm happy with my APIxu integration.

I might have to try that one too...lots of people seem to be having good results

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My weather is updating but not as often as I wanted. I used the PERIODIC trigger to update every five minutes. The log shows the update happening once an hour on the five minute mark.

Here's the rule...

and the logs.

It appears to be a bug, or I'm using it wrong.


Your periodic trigger tells it to update on the 5th minute of each hour. There's another setting somewhere to say update every x minutes. I'm not at home so can't screenshot my rule, but I'll post it when I get home later.

They don't update the data store it pulls continuously, they officially state, data update < 2 hours. So polling every 5 minutes is just wasting cycles. to get <10 minutes is big bucks.

See this page:

The free account allows for 1 call per second. Sure the data isn't refreshed that often, but calling every few minutes is well within the limits and ensures that once the data is updated, we get it in HE fairly quickly. I don't see any issues with refreshing every 5 minutes.

I get it that it happens once an hour but this is what the selection looks like.

Frequency period in minutes, "sounds" like the scale is in minutes. But now that @drew has pointed out that the data is only updated every few hours I guess it doesn't matter. If the PERIODIC trigger is working as intended it doesn't make sense to me.


Where it says Each selected pick which minute of the hour you want it to refresh on. If you want it to refresh at 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, etc you would pick 30. If you want it to refresh at 1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45, you would pick 15 and 45. You picked 5, so it will refresh at 1:05, 2:05, 3:05, 4:05, etc.

Again, there's another option in there somewhere (might be under a different trigger even, I can't remember off the top of my head) where you can tell it to refresh every x minutes. Alternatively, you could use your existing periodic trigger and select 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc to get a refresh every 5 minutes.

Here you go. There should be a slider available to go from selecting a specific minute to selecting every n minutes. You may have to unselect the 5 minutes you currently have selected in order to see the slider.

hmm, I don't get the "Every n minutes?" Slide switch when I pick periodic as a trigger. The screen shot I posted shows that. But, I'm caring less and less by n-minutes now that I know once an hour is good enough. Thanks all for the suggestions and information.


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Alright I couldn't let it go. I remade my rule for an hour instead of 5 minutes. The slider appears when you make a new rule, but does not present when you try to edit the rule later.


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