I have seen a few older threads, but things move slow in the UK LOL. H4 was bought from Czech Republic and has dual dangly bits for Zwave and Zig. I was chuffed to bits with it (still am) but thought time to pull trigger on the 7,
OMG it's tiny.
i have about 30 Zwave devices, mostly fibaro lights (Switch inside wall sockets) but also some hanks lights Fib wall plugs and ton of Xiaomi sensors, maybe 40.
I also have a few Ikea motion sensors (bollocks to them) as well as another 15 or so 'Generic' zigbee and Zwave which I setup with custom drivers (Most of which may be covered native now)
oh and load of smartthings samsung prox devices which let the house and us know who is where and when to turn on Arlo.... Damnit... and also 12 sonos which also acts as the alarm....
Various pushover rules, and standard Hubitat rules and all sorts....
What can I realisticly expect to migrate ? So much stuff says 'legacy' on it currently. Should I just accept fate and take of and nuke from orbit ? (It's the only way to be sure) or is it ?
If you have something working on your C-4, there's no reason it shouldn't also work on your C-7. (I'm assuming those are the model numbers you mean.) Even if your driver says "legacy," those are still around and available for use with any device--they just aren't the default for newly added devices anymore (usually because a newer driver with breaking changes was added but they wanted to not break anything for existing users). Custom drivers can also be added to the new hub, like the old one--but if you're starting new, I agree that you may want to see if there's a built-in driver that meets your needs. (There won't be for Xiaomi--they're still odd devices. ) The compatible device list has many model numbers and drivers, but the best one is usually also found on pairing/inclusion of the device, so you can just see what happens then, too.
Some of your devices don't really need to be "paired" with a hub and can be used on both. The Sonos speakers, for example, are integrated via an app (and driver, but the app takes care of that for you) and can be used on any number of hubs directly. Other devices, like the Ikea motion sensors, don't sound like they are compatible with Hubitat at all (they weren't the last time I checked, at least not the ones sold in the US, due to use of inbound Zigbee group messaging for motion).
Finally, there's no reason to "nuke" your existing hub, if that's what you mean. Even as you move Zigbee and Z-Wave devices to the new hub--which will indeed make them non-operational on your existing hub (if you even keep the device in the list around on the old hub; a proper Z-Wave exclusion or Zigbee removal won't, but you can use the new hub to do a general exclusion and just reset a Zigbee device on it own)--you can still keep that hub around to reference apps/rules, etc. for setup on the new hub.
Thanks for your input. Sadly it's all gone to bollocks.
After the restore and trying to re-integrate Zwave devices the new hub has basically messed everything up monumentally. lights don't work from switches, room names are overlapping with devices and everything is basically to ■■■■.
I wanked away a clutch of hours already just trying to get things the way they were.. but have accepted this aint gonna happen.
So I thought. Factory reset. Manually reset all devices (C-7 has royally fucked up my Fibaro dimmers and switches, for example)
Can't even find a factory reset. A soft reset, yes. I just want to turn everything off factory reset everything one by one and re-add and redo rules and all that jazz.
Why is there not a simple factory reset option ? Port 8081 is a PITA and STILL DOES NOT HAVE IT
I'm losing my patience here. but need a screw driver to undo all the wall sockets in my entire house one by one.
Also 30 seconds to remove a device !???!! ■■■■■■■ hell I'm not ■■■■■■■ Roger ■■■■■■■ Banister. How the hell do I run around the house and out buildings 30 ■■■■■■■ seconds.
60 seconds to add a device is only half as annoying, but still a massive (and frankly, STUPID, requirement)
My stair lift takes 3 minutes just to get to the second floor.
The better option may have been (if your z-wave stick supported it) is to use Hub Connect. You could have migrated your whole z-wave radio,.
As to the reset, soft reset then go to z-wave setting/zigbee settings and reset the radios gives full reset
As for your zigbee stuff. A lot of things you don't have to physically touch. If you've restored your c4 backup to the C7, then what you can do is one at a time is remove a zigbee device from the old hub, and then hit zigbee discover on the new hub. In a lot of instances the new hub will pick up the zigbee device and slot it back into it;'s proper place.
I didn't see any mention of wanting to backup and restore in your original post, so none of my advice was geared towards that. A hub backup restored to a new hub will take your device list but not the device "pairings" themselves, so you'll need to re-add every device to get them to work. Zigbee devices are the least work, since they'll be recognized as the same device; Z-Wave devices will be seen as new and need to be either manually swapped in apps or, if supported, done via Settings > Swap Apps Device. LAN devices will likely be fine unless they pointed to your hub IP address on the device side, which would need to be changed. Cloud integrations may also work or may need reconfiguration if they talk directly to your hub via Hubitat's servers using your unique hub ID. Hub Protect, alluded to above, can migrate Z-Wave and save you from some of the above, but it only works with one specifically Z-Wave adapter on the C-4, and I don't know what you have.
So...by "nuke," I assumed you meant you would just start over. Probably almost as easy. You can export and import individual apps from the old hub (which will prompt for device replacements on the new hub), if that's helpful; this would be one at a time, though, and not a hub backup, which takes the entire database and can't be pieced apart.
If you do want to fully reset your new hub, a soft reset plus resetting your Zigbee and Z-Wave radios would do all you need if your device pairings are the main concern. (Of course, the devices would the need to be reset or, for Z-Wave, generally excluded, before they vcanbe added again, but that would be the same as when moving between hubs in the first place and you're probably familiarity with that already.)