Off-topic rant about security

Sounds good. I will have another beer in support. :smiley:

Oh, and do read at least the first four posts in the thread I recommended above.

Zooz 4-in-1s don't work pairing directly to a C7 hub. They want to pair in S0 security mode. S0 is "chatty" and causes these devices to use their batteries in a few days. They work for a while then they stop and that affects then entire Z-Wave network. This is a Z-Wave 700 chipset issue, not Hubitat issue.

You can get them to work if you can join them to the Hubitat Z-Wave network via a secondary controller in non-secure mode.

These devices should be marked as having issues/not compatible with C7 @bobbyD


Hmmm... I have some sort of Zooz 4-in-1 that is paired in S2 mode that seems to be working?

Is the one I have newer than the one @JDiGangi is fighting with?

I am a new user to Hubitat but I installed a Zooz 4n1 ZSE40 with no security and it is working fine. I don't remember if this was one of the device's that prompted for security and I unchecked it or not. I did have to hit configure and then paperclip it to wake up for it to say synced on the device details page.

Yes, there are definitely some issues. The 700 series is new technology, and new technology often comes with a painful break-in. The HE engineers have been working hard on addressing these issues.

Please also understand that many of these issues cannot simply be laid at the feet of the HE folk. There are clearly issues with devices from various vendors... things that the spec says "thou shall not..." but nonetheless are happening anyway. And most importantly, there are significant issues that originate with SiLabs themselves. I know that one of my big issues, thankfully now resolved, resulted from poor (non-existent) SiLabs documentation.

It's easy to get frustrated. I fully understand this. But if you can give the HE guys a chance to work things out, I think you'll be happy in the end.


I had 1 of mine pair with no security once. (I paired each of my 3 at least 2-3 times in this troubleshooting phase) I believe pairing with no security was the result of a bad pairing and you & I were "lucky". As these devices are meant to pair in S0 mode and there is no way to control the security level.

And, yes, they work as expected when paired non-securely. Which requires a secondary 500 series secondary controller to pair to the Hubitat network.

You probably have a ZSE18 Motion Sensor. The ZSE40 4-in-1 does not have S2 capabilities.

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I think you meant to reply to james8.

I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment. But this does not bode particularly well for next generation Z-Wave. SiLabs has had years to figure this out. And now we're back to mesh kabuki theater. IMO the only way this works out well for them is if the 700 series devices actually take advantage of new capabilities.

You are correct. Please accept my apologies.

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I'm trying to pair a zooz zen27 to my c7 with latest firmware and radio. First try and it got stuck on initializing. I could not exclude it so I shutdown, pulled power and did the factory reset on the zen27. I had to go and delete the node in zwave utilities.

I saw on zooz supports page that they recommend a custom driver for the zen27. I just downloaded and installed it via package manager. The firmware on the zooz devices are 3 according to the label on them.

I'm going to try to include it again tomorrow, anything I should be aware of our pay special attention to?

The hub is at least 2 hops away, should I move the hub closer? This switch is at my pool house, I have the hub in my main house.

I have only been logging for a day. but so far, I got repeat battery% on one, but not on the other 5.

So now I finally have an issue. I was adding a HomeSeer HS-LS100+ this morning. I chose to install it with no security. It didn't finish pairing and I had to fool around with clicking Discover on the Zwave Details page and putting the hub back into Inclusion mode but it finally paired. But then I started seeing a bunch of Z-wave Network responded with Busy message errors. I ended up removing the device but now I have this:

Can't seem to get rid of it and not sure about what to do next. (C7 on

When I try to do a repair it will start a new wave of Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message.

Did you have what looked like a successful Z-Wave exclusion when you removed the device? And I assume you've confirmed the device is no longer listed in your Devices tab?

Have you shut down the hub, pulled power, wait 30s, restart yet?

I have had this happen... I forget the sequence I did but a combination of reboot/repair/discover and the device comes back again in HE and for me starts working.

I too get network busy messages but usually wait them out then reboot and rerun a node repair. Since the latest updates .142 + the network busy messages have decreased a lot.

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Doing a reboot now.

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That's the exact same sequence that I also forget. :wink: Why don't I write these things down...

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Just to be sure, reboot /= shut down/wait/ restart

Well I've excluded and reset the device so I doubt it's going to just start working again. After the reboot I have:

Okay good point I just did a reboot. I'll try that next.

Reboot, or the full shut-down dance?

I'd try Refresh until/if you get a Remove option and then try that.

Thanks. I will have to send a note home to your parents about listening in class. :wink:

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