Off-topic rant about security

Super-duper enhanced version of the guide, hot off the presses. :slight_smile:

Ghost Removal Guide - Who You Gonna Call!?

After you use it, let me know if you ran into any confusion or difficulties, so I can improve it for future users. Thanks!


Here's the neon I promised. See, I was not kidding. :wink:



Brilliant! I finally got those 3 ghost nodes removed from my C-7 hub. I had fiddle and fumble around with things a bit this afternoon, then read the posts here, occasionally scratched my head, got confused, then decided to take a break from this.

What made it all successful for me was doing the following in this order:

  1. :beer:
  2. Jump in the pool
  3. :beer:
  4. Begin another :beer:
  5. Carefully read the Ghost Removal Guide and follow instructions

Thanks all!


Beer definitely helps.


Excellent! Glad to hear that.

I always have a beer before I update the doc, That's why I'm always asking for feedback. :wink:


I've been using two WD200+'s with ST, but I'm switching over to HE this weekend. Am I correct in assuming that 5.14 is the latest version? If not, what is the process for updating them?

And from what I've been able to determine so far, the HE dth isn't quite ready yet (or the C7's firmware isn't quite ready for it, yet.) Which dth are you using?

I've been moving devices over from my C-3 and SmartThings to my new C-7. So far, things are going very well. I am seeing something odd with routing with a second gen Inovelli switch, however. See the screenshot below:

The routing doesn't make much sense to me. The C-7 is talking to the Back Porch Light (device 06), which is talking to the Inovelli (device 0B). The Back Porch Light (an Aeotec Nano Switch) is on the opposite side of the house, whereas the Front Porch Light (an Aeotec Nano Switch) is almost directly beneath the Inovelli. I'm on .145. The switch seems to work and the Simple Automation Rules seem to work albeit maybe with a tiny delay. Should I run a Zwave repair or just let it sit? Will it reroute itself eventually?

After my adventures yesterday I am a bit surprised by the routing as well. None of my iris v2 plugs ever show a route or have any devices routed through them. Currently all my locks appear to route directly to the hub besides numerous iris plugs. No complaints everything is working.

Just makes me wonder why I put all the repeaters lol.

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I've noticed the same also the throughput for some devices even ones closer to the hub sometimes come in at 9.6kbps with a ton of hops all around.

I usually do a couple of node repairs on the oddly behaving device and that (usually) helps. Also noticed that the hub mesh does tend to settle after a couple of days and things straighten out. Some of my devices are finally starting to recognize and route through a repeater (Aeotec 7, stock device driver) I put in..

I am also on .145

Thanks! Yeah, I'll give it a few days and then made do a node repair. That offending node is the switch in the wife's home office, so I have to be very careful. :smiley:

So, when I added the Inovelli originally, it worked. Then a few minutes later I looked at the Zwave logs and noticed it had no route. Sure enough, the switch wasn't triggering my Simple Automation Rules. I thought it through for a few minutes and a route finally appeared and everything works.

Bryan mentioned doing a full repair after the latest (.145) upgrade then a reboot (I think). If you haven't done that maybe give it a whirl THEN wait until things settle.

I remember reading here from some of the more experienced folks (maybe including Bryan) that Zwave+ devices do their own routing maintenance/updates over time, and leaving them to "settle" may be appropriate. I thought that HE staff has said that Z-Wave repairs on Z-Wave+ devices aren't necessarily going to do much. Unless the new repair tools in .145 has new Z-Wave+ features.

@bcopeland - what's the current info on Z-Wave+ devices and Z-Wave repairs?

Yes. 5.14 is the latest firmware version for the WD200+. When you add them to HE they are recognized and the the driver is selected.
The only downside on HE is that only single and double-taps are usable. I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong.

My (probably inaccurate) take was the upgrade to .145 included some extra special magic sauce so a full repair then reboot could help resolve some lingering network mesh issues.. Not that you should do a full repair all the time or anything but this was for this particular upgrade (.145) potentially.

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Yeah, that makes sense. Bryan made several references to new stuff in the Z-Wave repair in .144/145. Maybe they added pepto bismol? That always cleared things up for me...

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This usually works for me...



Oh man...I'll never un-see that. [ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww]

i have not seen anything to indicate that. I ran node repairs on some nodes that have screwy routing and they cam back basically the same.. Stuff is not using my repeaters and sometimes jumping all around the house right by the hub and then later back to a device near it then to the hub

heres one .. basement freezer st814 temp sensor with a repeater plugged into the outlet right above it where it iteself is plugged in.

01 -> 10 -> 40 -> 48 -> 49 40kbps

the route goes upstairs to a camera switch
then back to the basement to a leak gopher valve
then finally to the basement freezer repeater right above it
then to the hub

That's ok for me. I use them mainly for the light notifications.