Off-topic rant about security

I'm seeing these for some working mains powered devices which is odd.

Yeah this is good advice (which I agree with from personal experience on Vera) and I should have left it alone. :man_facepalming:

They are all showing "OK" - I bounced my Hubitat and now my Garage door is working again despite the crazy route showing still. Running individual repairs didn't change the route. But Im going to leave it alone now as it's all working. :slight_smile:

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You need to wake it up (see the device manual as it varies) and then run the repair.

@kahn-hubitat - Don't repair unless you have confirmed that the device is really not working...battery powered devices will frequently (some almost all the time) show as Failed even though they work fine. So unless a battery powered device is observed not working, don't try to repair it. Not necessary.

I've even had powered devices show there as Failed temporarily, but the light works fine. Don't mess w/anything unless you have confirmed it isn't working. :slight_smile:

I have seen that as well. I just ignore it now, and frankly will no longer go to the Z-Wave Details page unless I notice something actually not working. Going there "just to check up on things" seems to be a bad idea, as you can start worrying about stuff that doesn't matter.


One of the biggest delemas for a software developer is how much to show to help someone troubleshoot without showing too much that causes concerns & and questions needlessly about things that aren’t really an issue.


And, the "how much" really does vary from person to person. What one person can use responsibly, causes another to freak out. :slight_smile:

And. Then, there are those really helpful error messages like "Unknown error. Contact your system administrator". Shown, of course, to. The system administrator. smh.

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Does anyone have inovelli gear that is adding s2?

I have red dimmers and a 4 in 1 and even if I leave the boxes checked it ends up non secure.

I got 14 rgb bulbs(not sure why :man_shrugging:) but they only add s0. So waiting. . .

Otherwise smooth sailing.

Also wondering how much noise in the logs the devs turned off while they are sorting this out.

That individual node repair is nice!

Just did it on a device that logged a "Repair failed node neighbor discovery" message. Looks like it worked - repair reported no issues updating neighbors etc.

I want to run repair (individual) on some battery powered devices because they have screwy routes and are not seeing newly added repeaters..

You will probably have to wake them up first before you do..

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If the battery powered devices work now, I'm curious what you are expecting to gain by repairing them? Do they have a high latency, or ?

The Inovelli LZW31-SN dimmer switches still do not include with S2, except in rare occasions. The problem does not appear to be on the Hubitat side.

We were expecting a fix last week but we're still waiting:

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Still holding out hope it will all stabilize BUT tonight its working worse than ever before the system is still very slow and in some cases not responding at all. The TV LED back-lights did not turn on and in the case of the ever important bar TV the HDM-AIO2 didn't fire off which means the shared Family Rm TV is very un-happy and thus so is the family.

Un-happy family unhappy life :tired_face:

At least for me the new firmware has not yet fixed the issues

Have you tried shutting down the hub, pulled power when the red light comes on, waited a couple minutes, and then restored power?

You can also run a node cleanup.

http://your hup IP address/hub/zwave/nodeCleanup

You'll get an immediate Done message. Wait another minute or so and then try one of you automations again.

Overnight maintenance tonight that runs around 2AM might do some good.

Can't remember, C7 Hub? If you do above and still have specific Z-Wave devices that aren't responding as expected, you can try a Repair on the Z-Wave Details page, using the specific "Repair" button for the affected devices. Don't do a global repair, just repair the devies that aren't working properly.

Also couldn't hurt to maybe power-cycle any mains powered Z-Wave devices that aren't working well at the moment. May not help, can't hurt.

Yep did a shutdown hub a of couple times...waited for red light and unplugged for 30 minutes. I have also tried the nodeCleanup as you suggested.

Still having issues with Alexa control of many devices as listed in my previous post, also very system is slow to respond to Alexa or control from any dashboard.

Seems there is still a "ghost in the machine" keep in mind it was my dumb luck that I moved over from ST to HE right during the C7 issues. My UZB7 will be here later this week hoping to find something to delete that will stabilize the system.

Thanks for your advice and assistance...still new to HE. I was pretty proficient with ST and did get it to finally stabilize over time but hated the CLOUD issues. Hoping HE will work out to be a better option. I am a fan of Zigbee over Zwave but I have some distance issue here at the "ranch" so zigbee is not an option for many of the devices.

I did add 3 Aeotec range extender 7's so Z-wave should get happy at some point.

Yes as you can see my wife actually has a dedicated party lite candle closet under the stairs...yes its scary but there was an open outlet in there.

I should probably sign up to be a beta tester here at some point...I always seem to get myself into beta testing...heck I even let them drill holes in my eyes for refractive implants so I wouldn't need reading glasses...I was beta tester patient #001 for those.

Seems I always find myself trying to make something work


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After you updated the hub firmware did you try updating the zwave firmware? Some people have missed that step.

Was there new zwave firmware with .142 ?

I sure hoped I had missed something, but no

I am a brand new HE user. I have a LOT of Jasco/GE in wall switches and dimmers. So far, I have been able to exclude and re-add them to my ST V1 hub. I have yet to have any of these to pair with the HE C-7 despite having them excluded from the old ST hub.

My inclination is to send the device back to Amazon. This appears to be beta software and not ready for any serious application. I got my Philips Hue devices working, but that is only 25 over my over 200 devices. Oh well, back to ST for now.

What version of the Hubitat software do you have?

Things are generally getting a lot better every release (and they are very actively working on things--it's not like they are letting things stand still by any means).

I've found it is helpful to put the hub on an extension cord (or solid USB battery) and a long coax to get it near the things I'm including/excluding.

And, if you've had them on another system, I'd "Exclude" them on the Hubitat first.

Then, add them. I've seen it take more than one try-if it's not working, reboot the hub (and always shut it down before unplugging it from power).

At the rate they've been going, I expect things to be working pretty well shortly.

Also, not sure if your switches are Z-Wave or Z-Wave Plus. The Plus devices generally work better (in that 1) They have the patent so the hub doesn't have to waste bandwidth polling and 2) they are supposed to generally have better/more powerful radios).

Good luck!