Off-topic rant about security

Is there anyone who's getting zwave busy messages who DID NOT have any ghost nodes in their C7 prior to upgrading to 2.2.3?

Ok, thank you all. They are effectively battery powered devices.

So a Aeotec Z-stick gen 5 should work, The last I used it was for my ST V3. I have two C7's one is working ok (mo Zwave devices on it). I can't pair to the other C7 since its busy all the time now and won't do anything. Since the C7's are connected with Hubconnect, If I included it on the good one would it work to get rid of the ghost devices? (guessing no...). Is there something I can do to get it in the right network. I also have the Z-wave toolbox .. same issue though. Thoughts?

No busy messages without ghosts here.

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Might be able to get it to pair right after a 30 minute shutdown.

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Yea there is the big issue right now.. Somehow these old ghost nodes (from previous version issues) are being annoyingly persistent. And causing all kinds of grief..


reboot or shutdown?

Yea, I created a ghost node just for testing and was able to pair my stick right after a 30 minute shutdown and delete it. I did move the hub within inches of the zstick to help it get paired. This is on

I shutdown and left it off for 30 minutes. Corrected my previous post.

I just did a clean install today with a direct upgrade to 3.135 (and ZW firmware) before adding devices and started having ghost issues after adding 8 devices (all devices unsecured, no auth boxes checked). Wish I had thought to pair a secondary controller before adding the devices. Am kinda stuck now even after a power off. Will look again tomorrow after a nightly repair.

Could do another full reset and join the secondary controller.

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Can we expect these issues to be fixed in 2.2.4? Does the Zwave chip need another firmware upgrade?

@bcopeland - I know this may not be palatable for everyone but I am open to doing a Z-wave reset (deleting everything in the process) and starting over IF it means that I can rebuild clean and put all these issues behind me. Do advise it now OR is the Eng team working on additional fixes and I should be patient and wait because this problem could come back even with a clean rebuild?

I think you have your answer in @erktrek's post above:

I just did a clean install today with a direct upgrade to 3.135 (and ZW firmware) before adding devices and started having ghost issues after adding 8 devices (all devices unsecured, no auth boxes checked). Wish I had thought to pair a secondary controller before adding the devices. Am kinda stuck now even after a power off. Will look again tomorrow after a nightly repair.

Your best choices at the moment are:

  1. Wait for new FW that clears up these issues - date unknown of course
  2. If you want to try to get your devices set up now, get a UZB stick and set it up first so you have that self-help tool available to try to resolve any ghost device issues that arise.

I'd recommend option 1, wait at least a couple days to see what the HE team can do.


Got it, thanks for the confirmation!

Also appears that initiating a "Repair Z-Wave" with no ghost nodes causes the busy messages but rebooting makes it clear up.

Busy messages started after it did something to the patio lights. They weren't touched when this started.

I just hope it's not a hardware issue with the C7 that causing all this grief...

If it is, we might get to try the restore feature.

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Maybe we meed another firmware upgrade for the 700 chip from Silicon Labs


C-4 hub user here. I have about 20 Z-Wave Plus devices on my system, most of my other stuff is Lutron and ZigBee. Right now everything is working great on my C-4.

However, I also recently purchased a C-7 and have it up and running on my network with the latest hub firmware (and Z-Wave firmware) installed. No devices or apps installed whatsoever.

I've been following this thread closely and so far I'm holding off on migrating from C-4 to C-7. Seems like things are still a bit too "wonky" with regards to Z-Wave. I too really hope it's not a C-7 hub hardware issue and can be resolved with further firmware updates...