Re-adding them without security seems to have helped a little, but they still have been destabilizing my z-wave network too much that I had to unplug them
@danabw do you only have one Zen25? And if you move it >35' from the hub does all hell break loose only with regards to that switch or does it mess with the responsiveness of your other z-wave devices too?
I only have one Zen25, and it's on the 2.0 FW. When I moved it into the bathroom at the end of the hall from the hub, at least about 35' away, the plug was unusable. It was plugged into an outlet on the side of the vanity away from the bathroom door, so bit of a torture test, really. Poor little double plug, just a foot or so away from the toilet.
I didn't actually leave it plugged in there. I'll move it back there a bit later this AM (playing around w/some other stuff right now) and see if it just behaves badly on its own, or generally screws up the network.
I just double checked mine, I have 6 and all of them are running on the 2.0 FW. Definitely would be curious to hear what happens with yours when you have an opportunity to move it! Crazy that no one else is posting about this issue- I can't imagine we're the only ones having problems with this and the ZEN25 plugs are super popular and in some places are even bundled with the C7 hub.
Problems w/the Zen25 have been frequently reported before 2.2.4, many of us found them impossible to use on the Zen25 driver in pre-2.2.4 FW. I've only been able to use Zen25 reliably (at certain locations as noted) since 2.2.4 FW.
But I think the radio on these guys may be a little weak, or they don't like longer routes, or maybe they somehow tend to choose less optimal routes when farther from the hub (since Z-Wave Plus devices make their own routing decisions).
I previously had my Zen25 at the outer back corner of my house in our bedroom, and it also was inoperable there. I have a GE double plug exactly on the other side of the wall from the Zen25, actually on the outside of my house, and the GE plug connects and works fine from there.
Problems w/the Zen25 have been frequently reported before 2.2.4
No doubt, it's just really disappointing that a fix was promised in 2.2.4 and after what felt like a long wait it still doesn't work reliably. And for sure I know that @bcopeland and others are dealing with a lot of things related to the C-7 hub and the new radio and that this isn't much of a priority. Can't help but feel a little let down nonetheless though that this still isn't resolved
But I think the radio on these guys may be a little weak, or they don't like longer routes, or maybe they somehow tend to choose less optimal routes when farther from the hub
Sounds reasonable-- the only question that comes to mind is that I was using a Smartthings V1 hub before the C-7 and I had no issues whatsoever with regards to these Zen25s; both hubs in the same location.
@Derakkon & @tivomaniac are your setups working perfectly now with your Zen25s? And how many Zen25s are you using, are they far from your hub, and are you using the native driver or a modified one? I know some of this is mentioned earlier in the sub, but things also change and it would be helpful to get the current setup/status
I have two zen25. Both have FW 2.0 and paired w/o security. Both are now routing through one zen26 each (a different zen26 for each one)
One is used for the side tables lights in the bedroom, one floor up and probably 20’ straight line.
The second is used for my water softener and Netro sprinkler controller down one floor at the extreme of my house on the other side of the furnace. Straight line is 30-35’. I have had issues keeping this one in the mesh and I have moved a ring S2 extender and a aeotec 6 strategically to try to get it to used them, but it seems to like the zen26 and is stable now.
The fix is listed in the release notes (under "C7: Zooz Zen27 Double Plug: Fixed multi-channel incompatibilities." so a typo in the model number) so the plug should be working well under the new update. Can you confirm if you included it with S2 Unauthenticated security level @lwbenso? The plugs may need to be re-included after the platform update. I'd recommend testing them without anything connected to make sure it's not the frequent energy reporting causing issues on the mesh.
In my case my issues only come up when the plug is "a little too far" away from the hub. When "too far" they become unresponsive, won't turn on/off at all, or have extended delays before responding.
Closer in to my hub (18-20 feet), no issues.
As I noted above:
I previously had my Zen25 at the outer back corner of my house in our bedroom, and it also was inoperable there. I have a GE double plug exactly on the other side of the wall from the Zen25, actually on the outside of my house, and the GE plug connects and works fine from there.
In one other challenging location (bathroom) it was also unable to function properly. Too be fair, I haven't tested any other plugs in that location.
Have you tried moving the plug farther away from your hub, but where other Z-Wave devices are functioning OK?
I haven't updated my hub firmware yet. I will likely do it this weekend when I will have time to try to deal with any potential issues. As for your other questions, I have 2. One is about 15ft away from the hub, the other is about 25ft away. Both are using the 2.0 firmware and are currently included with security disabled and using the native driver. I will try to include them with S2 Unauthenticated when I update the hub and report back when I do.
I then ran a z-wave repair after all of them were in their locations in the house. I also reduced all of the types of monitoring to 24 hours for each plug. I was excited because they all seemed to be working! But after a couple of hours they pretty much became hit or miss -- mostly miss -- if I issue them a command from HE. The logs, as best I can tell, do not indicate anything is wrong. I have two of these double plugs within 6 ft of the hub; one of them seems to work fairly reliably and the other one doesn't. So in total 1 of the 6 Zen 25 double plugs is working reliably. As you can see from the screenshot of Z-Wave details below, nothing about them looks particularly abnormal. The "Office Cabinet Zooz Double Plug" is the only one that has been more or less reliably working.
Can you confirm if you included it with S2 Unauthenticated security level @lwbenso? The plugs may need to be re-included after the platform update.
@bcopeland@agnes.zooz The problem that I am having is that I have 6 Zen 25 double plugs and all but one pretty much are non-functional - I tell HE to turn them on or turn them off and nothing happens. Additionally when I do have them on they periodically turn themselves off and immediately back on - seemingly identical to this issue that was already posted but not responded to Issue with Zooz ZEN25 plugs . I am fairly certain that this off/on phenomenon is related to it being paired in S0...this definitely wasn't happening yesterday. The problems I'm encountering with these plugs are I can pretty confidently say are an HE problem (worked fine on ST before I switched) and not antennagate. To replicate my problem I would recommend moving your Zen25 double plug beyond a distance where it will connect directly the the hub. Then I would test it's functionality over the course of a few hours/a day. Mine seems to work in waves, where they might respond immediately then be pretty much non-responsive again for long stretches of time. I don't have proof but I believe that these double plugs are also slowing down my z-wave network, other devices don't seem so snappy to respond when all 6 of these are plugged in and active.
Have you tried moving the plug farther away from your hub, but where other Z-Wave devices are functioning OK?
Plug 4 (Kitchen Above Fridge Zooz Double Plug): 1 room away, approx 20 ft from hub
Plug 5 (Living Room TV Zooz Double Plug): across the house/3 walls, approx 50ft from hub
Plug 6 (Master TV Zooz Double Plug): across the house/3 wall, approx 50ft from hub
Overall my mesh is pretty good and all of my devices (except a pesky lock and these double plugs) are working well enough that I'm satisfied. I have many Inovelli light switches throughout the house so I don't think its a z-wave network issues so much as an HE issue (because they were working fine in Smartthings).
If it helps-- Now is 2020-11-19 7:30:00 PM and I issued a command to turn this double plug off in the kitchen - Plug 3. As you can see the last activity of this plug was at 6:37p. So it may be a clue
thats my experience if you look at them the radio is obviously weak, but the logic to pick routes is flawed.. i had mine 10 feet from hub and it kept deciding to do two hops through other devices..
mine does work far away i put it upstairs in office where i have the hue hub and a camera on one outlet and didnt want two zwave switches right next to each other and also did not want a zigbee switch as that is where my main 2.4 ghz wifi is..
i dont care if turning those on off is a little slow as again it has 3 hops there but it works.
These devices can be chatty so you might want to disable the reporting threshold setting and increase all the reporting interval settings to at least 10 minutes to see if that makes a difference.
I got my hub updated and finally got around to testing the S2 Unauthenticated inclusion. It seems to be working fine so far. No errors, warnings, or weirdness in the logs. My Z-Wave network as a whole seems to be working much better now as well (from the Hub update). I will report back if anything changes.
Anyone still having problems with the ZEN25? I was moving Z-WAVE devices from my C4 to my C7 today and my ZEN25 is having issues. I have to pair it to my C7 using S2 unauthenticated to get it connected to the C7 and when i do the device goes dead within minutes sometimes less. Pressing the button on the front does not turn on the outlets on the sides. If I remove it from the wall and plug it back in, it comes back alive, but only for a short period.
If you have it working what firmware version are you running? Mine is running v1.0. I see on Zooz's support site there is a newer version 2.0 available and have put in a support request to get it and see if that helps.