I am trying to port a Smartthings app to Hubitat.
The app is using oauth which I really don't understand.
I thought maybe bu just modifying the oauth url, I could try.
But I don't know the correct URL for hubitat.
Any ideas on this ? Below is the part of the app that the URLs are defined:
def getServerUrl() { return "https://graph.api.smartthings.com" }
def getShardUrl() { return getApiServerUrl() }
def getCallbackUrl() { return "https://graph.api.smartthings.com/oauth/callback" }
def getBuildRedirectUrl() { return "${serverUrl}/oauth/initialize?appId=${app.id}&access_token=${atomicState.accessToken}&apiServerUrl=${shardUrl}" }
on another thread I found the following url:
but that did not work.