Notifications Stopped Working on iPhones

Notifications Stopped Working on our two iPhones. It may have began a week or so ago, which is when I installed the new app on both. The app appears to work fine - I can open dashboards, see device status, etc. But notifications from any source (device page test, rules, notify app, etc) to not work. Did I miss something in the transition from the old app?

It's likely related to this incident, which will be addressed in the next update: [INCIDENT] Notifications and presence stop working after migrating to the new mobile apps

Thanks Bobby. I am using the new app and had deleted the old, so I am not trying to use both. But I will certainly wait for the new app update.

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If you accidently opened the old app after getting started with the new app, before uninstalling it, that's all it takes for the hub's mobile device to stop working.

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I would like to know when the app update will be released to fix this issue. In the meantime, I am leaving on vacation for a week and I sure would like to have some means of notification, especially for water leak sensors and such.
Is there a good email notification option out there?

Pushover is a popular alternative. Pushover is all I've ever used for notifications -- it's right up there with Lutron and Hue in terms of bullet-proof reliability and performance.

It's never missed a beat for me, and it's very cusomizable WRT emergency alerts and things like that.


No one has mentioned this, but wouldn't deleting the iPhone device and logging out and back in to the app to create a new iPhone device solve the issue?

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Just ran into this problem with the latest updates to the Hubitat controller and iOS app. Is anyone else seeing this?

Not receiving notifications on the new Hubitat app on either iOS nor on Android. I downloaded the old app on my Android tablet and notifications started to work again. Similar to my iPhone, downloaded the old app and notifications started working.

That is to be expected, as logging into the old app refreshes the token. Are you using the same mobile device on the hub between your iOS and Android? That might be the issue. Also, if you uninstall the new app and log in again, the notifications will likely start working again on the new app.

Many thanks! Yes, that did the trick. I uninstalled and reinstalled the new app on iOS to refresh the tokens.

Strong Second for pushover. That's all I have used for several years. Recently started testing the Hubitat app for notifications, but I dont know that Ill actively use them.