Notifications failing - “Kotlin Exception” noted in error message

Notifications on my C8 Pro are failing. The error message mentions Call from the Hubitat API and the Kotlin Exception. (See attached image)

I’m not sure if it’s related, but it happens soon after my update to

Suggestions to fix? A reboot did not resolve.

You are seeing the error because it was enabled recently to help our engineers narrow down why some users can't load the app. The error means that the hub IP address may have changed and the mobile app can't communicate with the hub.

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So is there anything I should or can do to assist in a potential fix or should I just wait this out until a new firmware patch drops?

Thank you for your help!

I sent you a private message to get more details. Please check the upper right corner for the notification.

SOLUTION: reinstalling the app (also running the current beta).

@craig.nelson let us know if you continue to have any more problems.


Same problem New app Notification not working with my iPhone and iPad. I deleted the old version app and reinstall new APP, reset hub. Still not working.
With the old version app all notification worked.
I use IPhone 14 and IPad Pro last iOS

log out of the app(s)

Delete the notification devices (all of them)

Log back into the app(S) let it/them create new devices

Adjust rules to use new notification devices. (you can use device swap app if there is a lot)

Thank you. Problem solved

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Reinstalled the app 2.0.4 (303) as instructed above. Now, can’t get past the multiple hubs screen. Clicking on the hub doesn’t do anything. Clicking on the offline hub gives an error, of course. Deleted and installed 2.0.3, same problem.

Rebooted hub with delete logs and eventually back in again. :crossed_fingers:t3:

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