Notification didn't notify me of water leak

Are you sure notifications are working?

Why not just use HSM? It has yet to fail for me.

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So 2 steps forward, but still getting tripped up with Google and I have a question. I took your advice and set up the water notification in HSM. I can see it is working as the light I told to turn on does turn on and I do get the text notification I set up to come to my iPhone. So far, so good

My first question is regarding flashing lights. As I said above, it did turn on a light via the switch I selected, but I want a couple other lights to flash. I clicked the Select Lights to Flash dropdown, but it didn't show anything. That is, when I click it, no choices appear. Can't HSM turn a switch on and off to flash the light associated with it?

Here is my problem with Google. I made sure both of my water sensors are in the Hubitat Google app. When I go into my Google Home app I go to Devices and click to add a device. I then pick Works with Google. For some reason a lot of the time Hubitat isn't there. I then search for Hubitat and once I pick that it shows my 2 hubs - my C-7, which isn't even plugged in any more and my C-8. I pick the C-8 and then it takes me to the next page. I pick my 2 water sensors and scroll down to the bottom where it says "Authorize". When I tap that I get a message that my account has been successfully linked and it takes me back to the screen for my home. But, my devices aren't there. And, if I go to add a device my Hubitat doesn't show up as linked, so it just starts the whole cycle over again . Can you help me with this?

I think that the lights have to support flashing to work (or the switch has to support it). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

As to the sensors I'm not sure why they don't show in Google. @gopher.ny ?

Do you also have a water valve? If any sensor in my place goes off, water valve immediately shuts off water to the house.

Am I correct that I create a loop in RM that would turn a light on and off every x seconds as long as some condition is happening?

Also, the A/C does have a sensor that is supposed to turn the A/C off if it gets wet, but from past experience that is too late to prevent some damage. The sensor I got did start beeping right away, and being at home, and during the day time, I was able to get to it quickly.

Sensors aren't going to actually show up in GH using HE's native GH integration app - it's pretty basic in what it actually pushes over (primarily switches). Dunno about the community GH app - that may be worth a look.

Well, there are 3 things that I find kind of weird about the idea that they don't work with Google Home ("GH"):

  1. While I have to keep linking Hubitat in the GH app, the "normal" devices, like my switches are there and can be controlled from GH.

  2. The sensors are appearing in the GH app to be added, and I don't get any error when adding them, but then they just aren't there.

  3. Since both the HSM and the Notifications app lets me pick my Google Mini as a device that I can send a notification too, the Hubitat people must have tested it with sensors like these and it worked.

So, I'm still not sure why it isn't working.

If you go look right now at your GH app in HE, the sensors won't be in that device list. I agree it's odd that no error / head's-up is given when trying to add a non-compatible device, but it must not be easy for some reason.

I don't think that sending a notification message to an actual GH unit has anything to do with what devices you have linked via GH integration, but I can't say for certain -- I don't send any notifications to my GH units, and the devices I've added via the GH integration are just vanilla lights and switches.

I know the community GH app does offer a wider variety of devices to integrate, but I haven't needed that so I don't use it myself.

I thought I was using the built in GH app:

Here they are listed and checked:
Screen Shot 2023-10-08 at 7.54.43 PM

And here they are after I clicked Update and then Done and went back into the GH app:
Screen Shot 2023-10-08 at 7.54.55 PM

Those sensors are not going to show up in the Google home app. The built in integration doesn't support sensors. If you want those to appear in Google home, you will need to use the community integration as was described above.

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Yeah that initial part works just like that, but now go to a different page in HE and tell GH to "sync my devices". Then go back in to the HE GH integration... Bet a buck-fiddy those sensors aren't in the Devices list anymore.

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Thanks. How do I find/install the community GH app?

BTW, I also have several Alexa devices. I went into the Amazon Echo app and added the water sensors, but when I went back to HSM and click the On this speech device none of my Alexa's show up. Is there something more I have to do to choose and Alexa to be the speech device?

I think you are confusing how the system works. Adding sensors to Alexa, Google Home, or Apple HomeKit has nothing to do with allowing Hubitat to use those voice assistants as Text To Speech (TTS) devices.

In order to use an Amazon Echo as a TTS device, using the Hubitat HSM app, you would first need to add the Echo devices to Hubitat using the community written Echo Speaks integration.

In order to do so with a Google Home device, you would need to use the Hubitat Chromecast integration.

In order to do with with an Apple Homepod (or similar), you would need to add those devices using the new Apple Airplay integration that Hubitat just added in 2.3.6.

I have all of my leak sensors added to my Apple Homekit Home, and I have noticed that these do show up correctly in HomeKit, and HomeKit automagically notifies me when any of those sensors goes to WET. This is in addition to my Pushover notifications from Hubitat that I set up on the Hubitat hub to happen.


When I searched for Echo Speaks by clicking on Add User App it didn't find anything. I then used the Hubitat Package Manager and it found 2. One was called Echo Speaks and the other is called Echo Speaks (BETA). Both are by Anthony S. Am I correct that I want the Echo Speaks one and not the Beta one?

"Add User App" isn't a search tool. It's just used to activate / turn on a community app's code that you already have added to your HE (via HPM, GitHub, etc)

Thanks. Do you know if I want the Beta or non-Beta version?

Sorry, not sure. I don't use Alexa/Echo at all.

You would most likely want the non-Beta version... Before you head down that road, I encourage you to read the following thread. Echo Speaks requires another 'server' running somewhere, to keep everything properly authenticated. This may or may not be something you want to tackle.