This is the first time I have seen HSM not send out an alert that one of my leak sensors detected water. This morning there was water around my furnace due to the humidifier and the Dome Leak sensor was in the water. Looking at the logs the sensor did fire:
Is ther a bug in HSM for this not working in: This has always worked in the past and if I wouldn't have gone into the basement this morning I wouldn't have been alerted to the leak. I have tested every leak sensor in the home and none will trigger HSM actions.
Which status page would that be? The only ones I know of it the app page and the HSM page for the dashboard.
Also there seems to be a bug, I setup a "custom" rule and added my test lead sensor there and set up a couple of alerts. I armed it and bam it worked. Then when I disarmed and re-armed HSM the custom doesn't arm even though the arm button said "Water and Custom". I will wait to hear back from the folks at Hubitat.
Well I tried a couple of things and finally got HSM water to work again. I had to remove all sensors from the water section I left the actions in place. Saved HSM. Then went and re-added the sensors and saved HSM again. Tested and everything started to work again. I didn't find any delta's on the configuration page (cog) from a device perspective. So go figure.
I had the exact same issue - event subscriptions in the HSM app for more than half of my sensors were missing.
Here's my theory: HSM setting changes are not materialized into corresponding changes in event subscriptions until the user presses either a "Done with HSM" button, or goes through a disarm-then-arm for smoke/water. And it is a reasonable assumption that most people rarely, if ever, disarm their water/smoke alerts.
The interesting side effect of the above makes me think that the "use every water sensor" toggle actually means "use every water sensor existing today" and does not automatically rebuild event subscriptions on adding new devices or changing drivers.
I guess a workaround would be to schedule daily disarm-then-arm actions at some odd time?