Nortec HUSBZB USB Stick Windows Drivers

New poster here. I'm trying to set up Z-Flash to update some Leviton switches, and bought a Nortek HUSBZB-1 adapter to use - having read that it was compatible.

I've installed the drivers mentioned in this thread, the CP210x USB to UART Bridge. These devices now show in Device Manager as "This device is working properly." but the blue LED on the adapter isn't staying lit (not sure if that's an issue). More importantly Z-Flash doesn't appear to find the device.

Any ideas?

If the light isn't staying lit then there is a problem with the drivers. Did you check both radios got the driver? Zigbee and Z-wave?

I applied the driver update to both - now have COM3 & COM4 showing up as ports, but the light doesn't stay on, and if I try to start Z-Flash and point it to either of those ports, it crashes trying to initialize.

Could you open the device manager show the devices and take a screenshot?

For some reason it won't let me post images here.

Is there a secret I'm not aware of? The post editor appears to want to let me include images, but when I try to post it, I am told I can't post images.

Seems odd.

@jjapublic It looks like your account is very new (<4hrs) and doesn't have any [Discourse] Badges yet. That probably sets you at Trust-Level 0 in this:

This will place restrictions on what you can do until you reach the next level.

Assuming the levels haven't been tweaked, you can use the doc above to get a sense of what you can do at TL-0 and how to get to the next level (to post images)

That was my bet. So until then, what I can say is that before I install drivers, Two devices show in the device manager under "Other" listed as HubZ Zigbee Com Port and HubZ Z-Wave Com Port.

After they move to "Ports" As Silcon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM3) and Silcon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM4)

Don't know if that helps

I don't remember my stick driver will name the device as Silicon Labs, mine are Hubz both.

Hurray! That was the right answer. I don't love the "Unsigned driver" issue, but by installing the Axial server software and copying the driver folder from that install to another location, I was able to update the drivers manually (after a reboot into "Unsigned Driver" land) using the HubZ drivers from that folder. Worked perfectly.

I'm curious as to why the official Silicon Labs signed drivers don't work, but at this point I don't care so much as long as I have a working setup.

Thanks for the help.

Also, as a follow up - the whole reason for me doing this was to update my Leviton switches to 1.20 due to drop-outs, lack of status updating, and general flaky behavior in using these switches as triggers for any automation.

Initially, none of my Leviton switches were showing up in Z-Flash - they showed in the node inventory log, but were unresponsive, so not available to update. After killing the breaker they are on and "rebooting" them (they don't appear to have an accessible air-gap mechanism) They did show in Z-Flash, and I updated them successfully. After that, they appear to be once again working properly. In fact, they appear to be responding faster than they were even when I installed them and they were working, before this issue cropped up.

All in, definitely worth the effort to update them - even with the frustration getting the USB hub working.

Hi guys - I bought this stick to try out some of the open source HA packages out there using a Raspberry Pi.

I'm able to now also get this working under Windows, however, I cannot get this to work with XCTU so I can do some of the cool mapping everyone is doing. Does XCTU support this device? Is there any other software that is similar that will work with this stick?

I was under the impression that XCTU was for use with an XBee only. At least that's the only hardware I have ever used XCTU with...:thinking:

You're probably right... Planning on getting an xbee soon to use as a repeater, but was hoping to use what I had on hand.