None of the basic rules apps working - they use to, but not anymore

I have a number of rules that until 2-3 days ago have been working fine but none of the apps in the Basic rules are working.

To test it I created a brand-new basic rule app, which was to turn off a light at a specific time, and even that failed. I have rebooted and rebuilt the database, I have done a soft-reset, but none of those seem to have worked.

In the hub events, I do see a Scheduler failure -- could this be it?

As an example, this was the simple new app I tried, which didn't work.

And when I had set that up, I could see this:

Outside of this test rule, all the others have been setup for many months and have been working OK.

Any suggestions or guidance?


This feels like one for HE support, but might be worth just confirming one or two things...

Check the timezone is configured correctly on the Hub Details page under Settings. Don't worry about a screenshot of the Hub Details, as long as you are happy it is right, that should be enough.

Looking at the Hub Events it appears the scheduler errors starting appearing out of the blue on the 4th of January at 9:18pm while running

Can you check the regular Past Logs page around this time to see if any logs are recorded to indicate what may have happened?

Beyond that I can't see any other troubleshooting we (the Community) could assist with, but hopefully I am wrong and someone else jumps in.

@bobbyD and @gopher.ny , given the time difference I thought it was worth tagging you early in case there is anything else may be able to recommend before @bahree potentially comes back online.

Click on the gear icon of the basic rule you created with a “certain time” trigger. See if a scheduled job is there and scheduled in the future.

Check the scheduled jobs tab of the logs page. All jobs you see listed there should be scheduled in the future. You can press reload to make sure you’re not looking at stale data.

Thank you for the suggestions; I can confirm the timezone is correct -- it would have been odd if it had changed.

On the scheduled jobs, clicking on the gear symbol I can see them as PENDING.

Here is another test one I created to go off in a few mins from now.

And I see all of them listed on the Scheduled jobs as well in the Logs. Again a screenshot of the new one.

But the issue is that they don't run, and have stopped. I can manually trigger things on and off, etc so this is very odd and I am at a loss.

Quick update, that time came and went (approx. 10 mins ago) and nothing happened. Using the gear icon in the app rule I saw it as pending:

And in the Scheduled jobs in the logs, I can see this:

And I still see the Scheduler errors.

Any suggestions or is it something support folks would need to see?


I am curious if there are any suggestions? @bobbyD or @gopher.ny you both were tagged earlier; any pointers on how do we get this resolved? Right now, I have to manually trigger these rules with none of the time-based ones working.

Many thanks.

I saw another couple of threads with a similar thing:
C-8 scheduler stopped triggering after migration - :bellhop_bell: Get Help / Apps - Hubitat

From this and the scheduler error I am seeing it might be similar; but how do I know which thing is stuck and how can I get it unstuck? :slight_smile:

Looking more in the logs, this is what I see -- I wonder if this is the issue?

And the tooltip points to zwave poller I think?

Switching off that app, and rebooting didn't fix it. Still seeing this. :cry:

I think you are on the right track with your assessment of the logs. From @bobbyD 's post on the topic you linked talking about updates to logging of scheduler errors and the notes in the Release 2.3.7 topic, I expect what you are looking at is the update they made to make this troubleshooting easier, i.e. the Past Logs where you saw an error for App 302.

I suspect simply disabling the app, however you did that, was not enough to result in the scheduled job to not be impacting the scheduler. I don't have any Z-Wave devices, so am not familiar with the Z-Wave Poller built-in app, but from what I can see you must setup a scheduled poll of devices. Could you temporarily uninstall this App and see if that corrects the scheduler issue? Then re-install the App?

I did delete that app, rebooted, also did a soft reset but still no luck - and is still suck in whatever process or state it is.

@bobbyD could you please help?

Many thanks.

have you contacted @support_team?
this would be a good place to start


Oh thank you for that; I wasn't sure where to reach out.

Dear @support_team, when you get a chance if you can please look at this thread and let me know what you need from me to help resolve this.

Many thanks!

no, don't tag them in a message as you did.
click the support_team link above and start a private/direct-message

describe in as much detail as you can the errors you're seeing and the troubleshooting steps you've done

you can also get ahead of the game and send them your "Hub UID" from Settings->Hub Details, they will need that to get more info from your hub

don't post your hubid here

So a quick update - this was resolved and many thanks to @bobbyD for helping fix it.

If anyone else has a similar issue, you can delete the stuck scheduler job by browsing to the following and then rebooting the hub.

Replace the 302 with the Job ID of the stuck job. In my case if you see this thread you can see it was app302.

In terms of identifying this, see the Hub events, and if you see a schedulerError, then in the logs, filter on error and see which one is stuck - use that JobID. However before navigating to this deleteAppJobs endpoint, make sure you delete the app and then go about this.

Thank you @mrvjtod for your guidance as well!


Thanks for sharing the solution. There is also an end point for a device schedule that is stuck:


*where XYZ is dev id


This stuck schedules are very rare and should not be reoccurring. Please reach out if you have apps or devices routinely getting stuck so we can further investigate the root cause.