
Yikes indeed!

Sometimes this stuff gets complicated!

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I just took the plunge to node-red and for the life of me I can’t find how to setup the configuration node. I don’t see it in the list of nodes in the pallet.

What am I missing?

@csteele has a great introductory video which includes how to configure the Hubitat nodes for node-red. I'm tagging him with the request to make it public soon - it's really nice, and has step-by-step directions to setup the Hubitat nodes.

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Ok, here you go...

A Node-Red Introduction for Hubitat Owners

And I made it it's own Topic:


When you add the HE Nodes to the palette edit the device node and you will see the "server" entry.. click on the pencil on the right - it should bring up the Edit Hubitat Node Config node editor...


Can someone help me create a flow in node red that does this?

I’m having issues figuring out how to turn off the light with no motion on 2 sensors only after X minutes

and yes. I know I have a working rule, but I am using this as a way to learn node red

I posted a pic of a flow almost exactly like that in the main node-red thread yesterday. It just didn't have a lux switch node on the "on" branch, but that would be easy to add.

I wasn’t aware there was a main thread. THANKS!

cant access my node red how do i get to the dashboard i know how to use node red

Dashboard should be http://YOURIPADDRESS:1880/ui

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maybe also port 1880 if using the default..

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