Node-RED nodes for hubitat

Here is complete msg object which looks just like msg.payload Debug version:

And this time, i used a Function Node to set msg.payload:

That's very strange.. maybe reboot your NR server?

also that still doesn't look like the complete object in debug.. should say "msg: Object" not "msg.payload: Object"

Could this be related to the NR nodes for Hubitat? Just started getting these (I think) on my C-7 HE...

That IP address is my laptop where I run NR and Homebridge with the Maker API

Could be either NR or HB, but one of them has a couple of devices defined that no longer have a corresponding device (or they no longer have access to the devices) in HE. Did you remove a couple of devices without updating one of them? May also need to update MakerAPI if you did.

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I have a Qnap NAS, I currently have it on a UPS to which I have it set that if the UPS has lost power for 10 minutes to begin shutting down the NAS.

I would like to via Node Red(which is ran on the same NAS)/Maker api before the server shuts down to send a shutdown command to all 3 of my HE hubs.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Do you have hub login security?


Great - then you can use the http access node to send a POST request like this:

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 6.30.30 PM

(obviously replacing the IP address ...)

What would I use as the trigger node for when power is lost via the UPS?

Ahh ..... I don't have a QNAP. Is it running apcupsd? Can you see if there is a directory called /etc/apcupsd?

I don't see that directory right off hand. Here is what the screen looks like on the shutting down of the nas from a power outage it does have an IP Notify section below at which I have my hubs addresses listed, but don't see that it does much for "a notifcation"

Would it be possible with sending a notification to the node red IP address and maybe an http get or something?

I found a way. I broke my cardinal rule of not searching the forum before asking and turns out this has already been accomplished here. QNAP NAS Integrations for UPS Monitoring, NodeRed, Home Bridge, etc

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any one else have any problem with Node Red not working after the latest hub firmware update. I can see the device changing on the Hubitat hub but it just not transferring over to Node Red? I create a new token, but that didn't work either? any suggestion or idea's on what I can try. Thanks

I just upgraded my C-5 and it seems to be working. Have not done my C-7 yet though. I'll do that in a bit and report back.

Maybe reboot your NR server for giggles.

Thanks I got it working? I was having a senior moment.

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Not sure if this is a 2.2.7 platform update or a HE Node Red thing?

But ALL my virtual Omni-Sensors in Hubitat now wont take a number from Node Red for Humidity via Maker API. It works for temperature, but not humidity. Nothing has changed for me, apart from 2.2.7

@aaiyar You might find some errors, if you send humidity from zigbee2mqtt to Hubitat.
@bravenel Bruce, you the Maker API expert?

I didn't see a note about this in the release notes, but that said,... Hubitat has said many times humidity has to be an INTEGER, not a decimal.

Maybe they finally changed the virtual driver to only accept integers for humidity. That's my strong suspicion since this just came up earlier this week.


Looks like the attribute type of number (integer) is being enforced.

Edit: Jason types faster....:sunglasses:


Well... js/groovy variable type "number" includes floats... :wink:

So I would say they are now enforcing it to be specifically an integer. Just a guess though. @bravenel would probably know if the in-box omni sensor driver was changed, or not, for sure.

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