Node-RED nodes for hubitat

Thanks for the update, can't wait to "play with it" :rofl:

But seriously, is there a way to "store" a variable in NR in such a way that it's value appears on the flow like say a temp sensor? Right now I pipe the data into a virtual device and display that, seems crude.

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You can add a debug node, and config the debug node to show what you want on the node status.

yields this (an MQTT value in this case)


Thanks! but could you enlarge that a bit?

:eye: :eye:


Better? :wink:



All kidding aside, the original ones didn't look very big on my screen to me. lol

But I'm getting older and make everything bigger than I used to.

So apparently bravenel has been investigating/evaluating node-red.

I saw that.

I almost chimed in with "YES!!! I would greatly prefer that to the many clicks of doom to make (or edit) a complex RM rule!".

But I resisted.


I think it speaks to the power of MakerAPI.

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No, I just lifted someone's graphic -- using it as an example. Personally, I don't care for it. But, everyone should use the tool that works best for them.


I actually really like RM, and use it for various non-complex things if I'm in a hurry. It is really a very nice solution that works very well.

I do most in node-red, though, as I prefer to drag/drop, copy/paste, connect the dots, not worry about resource usage or speed, and can dump into JS in a pinch if needed. Works well for the way my brain thinks.


Yup. And I think its incredible that the platform makes it feasible to use the automation engine of the end-user's choice.


Dang I should copyrighted the graphic.


In the "what I did with node-red and hubitat today" section... It is cold in San Antonio for a few days - which is rare. We get freezing temps for a few hours or a day here and there, but not 3 straight days, and we aren't insulated/prepared for that. So....

  1. Made a freeze alert using all my sensors that report temperature. The link in nodes connect to Hubitat Event nodes - I keep 1 instance of the Event node on my "global" flow for each hub and just link to them when needed. I find that it is a lot easier to just do one Event Node + a filter in a switch than it is to add a zillion device nodes.

  2. Made a quick table to let me look at the temps. Lots of ways to do this, I did it the way I know (there are others). Had to dump to a js function node for that one as I wanted to pre-sort the list. Had issues with the table updating on the dashboard, so I just threw a ui_control on there to refresh it. Might not be needed, but it worked and I was in a hurry.

    Yields this:


That's a great idea. We're expecting freezing temperatures here on Lundi Gras and Mardi Gras. I am going to setup freeze alerts with temperature sensors in unconditioned space!

I updated Node (using hb-service update node) on my RPi/Homebridge and when I restarted node-red, it said it was creating a new flow file. When I went to look at my flows, EVERYTHING was gone - just an empty flow file. After my initial panic, I restarted the Homebridge server and lo and behold, everything was back.

Any idea on what could have happened? I am running NR on the Homebridge pre-built image.

Why wouldn’t you run them in separate images, that way dependencies in one don’t impact the other?

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The pre-built image for Homebridge has the OS and other components (node, npm etc.) installed and has the ability to install and manage other add-ons (Node-RED). I did not start with a a clean Raspbian install.

Sorry I thought you meant docker image. My bad.

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This has been bugging me for days trying to get data into NR.
This was exactly my problem.

My internal server drives DNS for the house - but it looks like the HE is hard coded to go directly to for the DNS server... unless you configure it for static IP, then the DNS field becomes available.

I will work on what do about that later - but importantly, now I have events piping into NR in real time (yay)!


Thanks very much for that. I've just updated to that version and it works perfectly.

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