[No Longer Maintained] Sensor Groups+

Thank You

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Locks are not working now:

All 4 devices are showing locked. Here are logs:

What do the device pages show? It's all working fine for me. If the device pages look good, can you go to line 160 in the child app code, hit enter to create a blank line, then, in the blank line paste this

logDebug "${it.displayName} is ${it.currentValue("lock")}"

Save the code. Turn on debugging in the app, and then just hit done. It should gives some logs showing what the app is reading the status as. Screenshot that for me.

I'll add that debug line to the next update.

Device pages all show locked. Here are the requested log entries:

Figured it out. I'll push an update in the next little bit.


Version 2.2.3 Released

Fixed lock state handling and added extra logging.

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Looks correct now:

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Oh got it. That's much easier. Noice.

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I am leaving Hubitat so this will no longer be maintained. Existing installations will continue to function as they do today, but I will not be providing support.

Feel free to copy/re-release the code. I will be locking the GitHub repo.


Sorry to see you go. Which one are you switching to, Wink or SmartThings? :laughing:

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Sorry to see you go! Wishing you all good things in your next journey - thank you for all your contributions here!


Yup, very much a bummer. Great dev and very helpful troubleshooter, unfortunate he's moving on.

But I'm still here, and will continue to obfuscate, mislead, and misinform as much as always. :wink:


Take That Back Jason Sudeikis GIF by Saturday Night Live



Thanks for your work and how responsive you were to bugs and improvements. You will be missed.


Someone here who likes to pick up the thread and continue maintaning the app/driver? (I don’t have the skills for it) Would be a shame if it died…

I've created a fork to play with. Give me a couple of days to work through the code and I'll let everyone know what I think.


So Good Wow GIF by The Masked Singer


I thought you would have a fork of all our code... :wink:

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Code looks clean and straight forward, and thus should be fairly easy to maintain. Next time I’m at my main keyboard I’ll get an HPM entry spun up, and open a new thread for support.

New thread at: Sensor Groups+ [Resurrected]
HPM should be picking up the new fork shortly.


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