I'm unable to forcibly remove a device. Tried using web admin and via mobile app. From Devices detail page I click "Remove" then "Z-Wave Exclude and Remove". Logs show exclude mode was started and stopped after 30 sec. but no "Force Remove" option is presented after 10+ minutes of waiting. Just keeps showing the spinning wheel...
Some background/context:
I wanted to add S2 security to my Z-Wave Plus device that was previously added without security. I renamed existing device (w/o security) DNI to "XXX_OLD", excluded device using general exclusion from the z-wave details page, re-included device using S2 security from Devices page, and then swapped the devices (old --> new) to move over all my app associations. New node entry and devices works as expected. Rebooted hub. Now just unable to remove old device.
UPDATE: Not sure if these are related but I'm also unable to remove ghost nodes...
Well, I no longer have any ghost nodes per my other post and everything seems to be in order on the Z-Wave Details page. All devices seem to be working also. I just have this one abandoned/old device (no associated nodes) that will never offer a "Force Remove" option. The in-process wheel from the Device Detail page just keeps spinning after logs show the exclude started and stopped long ago. Seems more like a hub software glitch to not have the force remove feature, don't you think?
Its not a zwave radio node/device, it is a hub device listed in hub devices which not longer has a node attached to it.
This is a platform bug, has been identified in the current beta version for the next major release so will be fixed eventually.
@gopher.ny what triggers the hub to treat this "device" as Z-wave with the removal button? I am thinking it might be the "Controller Type" in the device details (Info tab)? Is there any way to clear that so the platform will just treat it like a virtual device?
I successfully managed to remove the device from the Devices detail page, by renaming the DNI back to the previous/original name, before attempting the "Remove" feature again. This time it worked! Before renaming the DNI however, I checked to make sure there wasn't already a node with that name in the Z-Wave Details page.
Thanks for the input. I've since managed to resolve the issue per my update. You might be interested to know, it was actually your solution from another post that got me down this path. You presented two solutions for switching a device node's security setting:
I chose #2 (Rename the DNI). I've since tried #1 (Create a Virtual device) and that worked without issue, so thank you for that. Cheers!