I have a ghost node, "SPECIFIC_TYPE SOUND_SWITCH" that I cannot remove. I have no idea why this is there and not sure when it appeared. "Remove" button on z-wave details page will briefly show animated circle graphic before timing out. Screen refresh and system shutdown/reboot (unplugged 1min) - still there!
Did you use smart start to include the devices? If so, you need to go into smart start and delete them there. If you don't smart start will keep trying to include the device once it has been excluded.
This has since been resolved on its own. So, not sure what the solution is/was.
Here's what happened...
This post's screen captures were taken from the web admin. Sometime later I connected to the hub via the phone app. From the Z-Wave Details page I noticed all the buttons were shaded out except one "Cancel Z-Wave Repair" button. Funny, I never recall initiating a Z-Wave Repair from the mobile app. In any case, it cleared up after about 5 min. and all the maintenance buttons became available again. I then tried the "Remove" button on the ghost node and poof it was now gone. Sadly, I didn't check to see if the "4 Neighbors" were still there before I tried the "Remove" node for the last time.
Having dealt with being unable to evict ghosts many times in the past, I find just waiting and somehow they become removable(sometimes hours, sometimes days). Not always, and in those stubborn cases we are forced to use a Z-wave stick as an external controller to do removal. I don't know if the new Z-wave JS will eventually help in this regard...