No active session found for correlation token in Amazon Echo Skill

Hey folks, the built-in Amazon Echo Skill fills the log with the following errors:

Error making Call to Alexa message gateway: {"header":{"namespace":"System","name":"Exception","messageId":"xxx"},"payload":{"code":"INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION","description":" No active session found for correlation token : XXX"}}

It looks like it doesn't affect the operations, but it is still annoying, at least, and it's a symptom of a more significant problem, at most.

I tried to re-authenticate the Alexa skill with Hubitat, it didn't help.

I saw a couple of posts about similar problems, for example [1] and [2], but no practical steps for investigation or resolution were suggested, not even by @bobbyD (unless I missed something obvious).

I just wanted to take another stab at it.

Getting this exact same error. Happens multiple times throughout the day - it's flooding my Alexa skill Hubitat logs. I would've thought nothing of it but I noticed two additional symptoms: I have a handful of z-wave devices that won't appear in Alexa no matter what I do. They're properly added in the Alexa skill on Hubitat. Additionally, when I tell Alexa to turn off all devices in my home at the end of the night, a few random devices are always left on. I have to make the request two or three times by the time all devices in the house are truly turned off. Seems like some kind of intermittent communication issue between Alexa and Hubitat.

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