Night Light

I'm going to ask a friend who has multiple HA instances to update the firmware for me. Thanks though.

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Still curious if the firmware was updatable though. I'm sure others are too. And what changes you see. I know one of the other complaints is the LUX events are quite frequent.

I get that, but not the color on error everyone is complaining about.
I haven't set up the the hub yet and what not...

I've found that if I ask it for "red" I get orange. But if I set it to custom RGB #FF0000 three times it actually goes red. So, that's my tip 'o the day

Not having that issue myself. I mean aside from the lux reporting mine has been great

The link does not work for me. In fact the discussion page has no content at all.

Just checked. They removed all of the discussions.

So, it's not just you.

Hopefully, this is a technical issue or a configuration mistake and the TR forum topics will be restored soon.

There was some useful information available, published by ThirdReality.

Looks like it is back up.

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