Night Light

Is it the matter or zigbee version?

I can confirm this has happened to me quite a few times now with the zigbee version.

I also noticed that oddities like this pop up when using either the bulb or color bulb dashboard tile.

I apologize, it’s the Zigbee version.

I noticed that this happens if you set the level to the same level that it is currently set to, the light goes out. If the light is on and press on again in the device details page, the light goes out. If you set the color to the same color that the light is already set at, the light goes out.

Strange, doesn't happen to mine. My rule turns it on and sets level at 10% and it stays on.

I'm really unimpressed by this device. I've tried to use it as an indicator and it's unreliable. Even from the device page you have to set a color multiple times. Example: if it's currently white and you send a set color to red, it goes off. You send it again and it comes on red. Set it to white and it goes off again. You have to send a second "on" or set color to get it to turn back on. I don't know why this got good reviews on here, because it seems terrible.

I don't see a way to update firmware, in case that's the problem.


Suggestions before I send this to the closet of forgetfulness?

Device type:

I haven't had that problem at all. Color sets work well as I have it different colors with different brightness depending on the time of night...

I experience the same turning off behavior when changing colors as you are, also if it gets the command to set the brightness level and it is currently the same level, it will go off. I'm using it specifically for a nightlight in my hallway, not using the motion or light sensor. I simply have it come on at sunset and off at sunrise, never change the brightness level. I guess it works for what I need but I feel like I can't rely on it, if I want to involve it more.

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Yep. That too. This thing is totally flaky. I'm not sure how @rlithgow1 is seeing such different behavior.

Dunno.... Here is my data page.

Mine came with newer firmware. You're on .48. I'm on .50. I'm guessing that this is the issue. Is third reality on here to tag? @ThirdReality . Ah. looks like they are. Help us Obi Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope. I think you broke this in the .50 firmware.

what is the issue?

I don't have that issue at all. I can turn on light, change color to anything and it simply turns the color/intensity etc and stays on

Some people are having the issue above.


I experience the same turning off behavior when changing colors as you are, also if it gets the command to set the brightness level and it is currently the same level, it will go off. I'm using it specifically for a nightlight in my hallway, not using the motion or light sensor. I simply have it come on at sunset and off at sunrise, never change the brightness level. I guess it works for what I need but I feel like I can't rely on it, if I want to involve it more.

These are in the posts right above here.

Meant to tag @ThirdReality

I have the same issue. If the light is on and I try to change the color, it turns off. If I set the color again, it turns back on to the requested color.

To get around this I have to first turn off the light in my rules, then change the color to turn it back on.

I too have:

Thats exaclty what i have to do with my rules also, always send the off command first

Hopefully @ThirdReality has what he needs now. Seems pretty consistently wrong to me.

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Considering some of these. Any improvements made?

I am still waiting for the EU version to be shipped from Germany.

I tried it about two weeks ago. No firmware update. Still sucks. Unpaired and put it back on the shelf in hopes of eventually being able to use it.

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