Newbie Question - unregister old devices first?

I have a brand-new Hubitat C8 Pro and am about to add my first devices. But before I do...

Currently, I have several working devices registered via Tuya Smart or Smart Life, which I control through Google Home.

  • Do I need to unregister these devices from their current apps before adding them to Hubitat?
  • Will Google Home experience issues if the same device is registered in two separate systems (e.g., Hubitat and Tuya/Smart Life)?

From my research, it seems I don't need to unregister them. However, if I don’t, how can I ensure these devices are processed locally via Hubitat?

Would a sensible approach be to:

  1. Add devices to Hubitat one by one, ensuring each works as expected, and then...
  2. Unregister the devices from their original apps?

Also, is there a way to unregister multiple devices, en masse, from these cloud services, or would this need to be done individually?

Thank you in advance for any insights or advice.


There may be a couple exceptions, but normally there isn't a need to unregister a device from the manufacturer's app. The HE integration should take care of making sure the control of teh device remains local, although note that some devices (WiFi normally) may still need to be controlled be HE via their cloud interface because the manufacturer has walled off or not provided the local interface.

They are probably Wifi devices and there is no good way to integrate them to Hubitat. There is a Tuya cloud integration which requires the devices be added to the Tuya system via one of those apps (you should move them all to the same app).

Possible but not easily for Tuya Wifi

See these for reference:


Thank you for this info. - apricated. Yes your correct - Wifi plugs. Still on the learning curve - be patient with me. :slight_smile:

Honestly I would look into replacing those with Zigbee, Z-wave or Matter. Then sell or give away the Tuya Wifi stuff. You can get TP Link TAPO stuff for a pretty good price and it should be Matter, and also works locally on Wifi/LAN. Zigbee plugs are often pretty good prices too.


Thank you. That sounds like a sensible plan.

Take a look at this before you do anything. It might help you avoid some gotchas when setting things up.