New Zooz ZEN16 Multirelay

I'd have to think the "2 plug" arrangement isn't at all recommended (or allowed).

One of the big issues is that, while it >might< "work", you have to absolutely make sure that the plugs are going into outlets with the "hot" lines on opposite phases (so there will actually be 240 between them, rather than zero).

Then, you've got a mess with the neutrals--because you have two neutrals and the resistance between the plug and the box is likely different on each one, particularly under a load. That means you're possibly/likely carrying current from one circuit's neutral across to the other circuit--similar to a "ground loop".

And, of course as mentioned above, with a 15A outlet and a 15A cordset--and a huge 240V plug like you have, you could easily plug stuff in that will melt things from the circuit box all the way to the plug.

Hot and molten insulation and wires are highly discouraged. They tend to wake up firefighters.


This is definitely going in my list of favorite 1 liners on the Hubitat Community Forum.



in fact this installation is not mine and I hope hypothetic. I have a regular 240v charger for my e-car and a regular 240v wiring for my geothermal unit.
But I found the question, and your answer, interesting.

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Fully agree with using the zen 16 to control a DPST relay. You can easily get a relay with the right power and voltage rating. You can even find them with 24v on the actuator so you can use the 24v supply that powers the zen 16 to also activate the power for the relay.


there seems to be a bug in the stock driver for this device.. i set the switch type for relay 1 to momentary but when i turn it on it never turns off .. I will try the timed turn off now.

garage door mode does the same thing will use that.

Could be your ZEN16 firmware version, there have been several updates, perhaps you need an update. Works on mine with ZEN16 Firmware 1.02. I believe that the most recent version is 1.03.

What you are asking about is not implemented in the driver for the ZEN16, it's implemented in the physical device.

Did the configuration change get pushed to the device? Do you see

configVal2 : 0

in State Variables? If not, it means that the config has not been set in the device.

ya not working.. weird.. anyway the garage door type doesnt work well either.. it seems to be integrated with the sensor that is tied in and the switch will not work a while after while it is waiting for the sensor to toggle.

I am not using their integrated sensor and don't have my wall button passing through like they recommend ... seems overly complicated.. I have my own zwave contact sensor on the top of the garage door, and I just have an extra set of wires going into the contact point.

switched back to default type and set the turn off time to 2 and the units to secs and it is working fine now and you can hit it again immediately and it works.

ya my firmware is 1.02 how do i get it updated or should i return and get a newer one.

Make sure to run Configure. When you refresh the device page, you should see the new setting for configVal2. If you don't run configure again until you see the correct value.

Nothing wrong with 1.2. It works fine.

Firmware: 1.03 notes:

  • Added the ability to change relays to NC (normally closed) and customize on/off reports based on the switch / relay position
  • Added DC motor control mode which prevents R1 and R2 to be turned on at the same time

These capabilities are not currently configurable in the Hubitat driver, so updating to 1.3 won't get you anything at the moment. If you want to go ahead anyway, you need to reach out to Zooz support and request the update:

thanks they sent me f/w maybe i will but for now with the settings i specified above it is working reliably.. weird.. i know i hit configure becuase i had the logs open and saw all the crap going through.
anyway default latching with 2 second turn off is working fine.. took a while for it to get a consistent route since i joined it half way between garage and hub and moved to the garage. i did the same for a switch for my garage outdoor corner cam and that updated the route immediately.. this seems a little laggy about updating.

all i have left to add now is
the konnected alarm boards
and get the sensor on my mailbox working.. i doubt it will since range is down from smartthings.
and i could never get my qubino weather station working.. it joined and configured fine but no data ever came i n.

Well, you could run an AC underground line out to an intermediate location (or tap into a driveway light, if you’ve got those) and mount a Z-Wave or Zigbee Extender in a plastic box between the mailbox and your house.

i have a zwave extender in a plastic outlet box on the outside of the house. but no devices currently are using it. same on deck but the gate opener closer (mimo2+) refuses to use it.. even though it is a aeon ve r7 and when i run tests all packets can get to the operer.. go figure..i am researching using the set route option in the zeon stick to update the device.

With every relay I've worked with, momentary toggles the state of the switch, it doesn't turn it off afterwards so the behavior you're seeing when it's set to momentary is expected...

Zooz added a Garage Door mode option to that setting which basically sets it to momentary and turns it off afterwards.

I'm not sure if they fixed that feature, but they originally had the delay set to less than 2 seconds and Hubitat couldn't handle it so the device often ended up showing the wrong state.

Using momentary with at least 2 seconds for auto off setting was much more reliable, but it sounds like you already figured that out.

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as i said reading more the garage door setting is integrated with the sensor so relay 1 read the status of the door in sensor 1 and waits for it.. so if you are not using their sensor but your own then this causes issues.

This device doesn't have an integrated sensor and the garage door option in the device settings does exactly what I said it does so I'm not sure what you're talking about...

If you're referring to the sensor in that garage door kit The Smartest House sells, that's not integrated, it's just a z-wave tilt sensor.

The only thing that ties the tilt sensor in that kit to the ZEN16 is the Zooz Garage Door Opener App, that I wrote, and it works with any contact/tilt sensor.

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Can a wired door contact sensor be used with the ZEN16 to show when the door is opened or closed?

You could. You would have to create a virtual contact sensor. And then set up a rule to make virtual sensor close when on, open when off.

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Thank you. Would I connect it to switch or relay connections?