New Tradfri Dimmer


Just before the C7 came out, accusations were flying that Hubitat was trying to drop Zwave!

The new 700 chip in the C7 has required lots of attention recently. Some of that was unplanned, so there have been many bugfixes and releases to get the C7 stable.

Once that calms down, I think you will see things back to a more balanced (normal) format with a couple improvements in Zigbee, Zwave, and apps in each release.


Maybe bad timing but see zigbee issues that seem only with hubitat that are not on any other platform. Maybe once the dust settles on the zwave improvements they will be sorted.

One zigbee thing i love in hubitat is not having to bring the devices close to the hub to pair. Master stroke.

What Zigbee issues are you seeing / experiencing ?
You mention bulbs as bad repeaters but that’s not a HE issue as I understand it.

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