Can anyone explain the advantage of switching all my Sengleds to the new driver?
This driver now reports on off when it's turned on off via a switch leg it's connected to.
SetLevel 0 works correctly.
The on and off commands now respect the transition time preference setting, meaning you can override the bulbs instant on and off default behavior.
Ok, thanks!
Tagging @toyanucci... Looks like Hubitat now has an official driver that supports the unique features of the Sengled Element Classic bulbs. Just thought you’d like to know.
This is HUGE for those of us who suffer from the occasional "power outage and now the lights are on in the middle of the night" situation. Thank you! Question though: I had to roll back to a previous version because of the cloud endpoints situation...has that been resolved? I had one of these lights wake my wife up last night due to a power blip. Not a prime WAF situation.
Yes, in it appears the cloud endpoint issue has been fixed.
Does this apply to the sengled zigbee RGBW bulbs too? The only new sengled driver I’m seeing is for the element classic bulb, which doesn’t do RGBW. But I think I’m running into these two issues with a color-changing bulb I picked up when they were on sale for prime day.
Ok I'm still new to all this and I have some Sengled Classic Elements. How do I update the bulb driver? Is it an automatic thing or do I need to go and change something in a setting somewhere?
Any chance to get the tunable whites (element plus) supported? Currently use Generic driver but it doesn't support smooth transitions
In your hub, go to Devices, then select your Sengled Element Classic light bulb device, scroll down the page and find the "Type" drop down, and select the Sengled Element Classic driver, which will replace your current 'generic' driver. Click save, and then click CONFIGURE.
I'll be doing that when I get home tonight. Thanks for the help.
That driver isn't complete yet.
I didn't find that one on amazon...
I did notice that they always report on when power is reapplied, and mostly, probably 80 percent or more of the time report off on power loss.
Obviously this is on the bulb, not Hubitat.
dirt cheap and pretty bright!
Ok, wasn't sure if those were the ones or not.
Looks like Sengled has “renamed” their color A19 bulbs from Sengled Element Color Plus to Sengled Smart LED Multicolor...
Also, not sure if this matters, but the tunable white bulbs are ZHA, not ZLL - which is the only reason I'm depending on Hubitat to control the lights. I have all my other zigbee bulbs on a Hue Hub. There's also the unfortunate side effect of the bulbs acting as a very poor repeater.
This one I have already.