So I’m thinking do I seek out a presence sensor or get a hue motion sensor but then perhaps I need 2 sensors - one on each side of the bed to capture either of us getting up.
What’s the thoughts of the community - should I get some motion sensors each side of the bed - cheap ones will work but won’t have the light sensor in that hues do- but then at £40 each hue sensor it seems OTT for a toilet pathway light!
Agreed. It would also make the switch on time be prolonged and unreliable.
That presence detector hooks to WiFi and has its own app but guessing it’s not hubitat compatible so it wouldn’t be of use to us - which is why I pulled in the Alexa idea.
Looks like 2x cheap but reliable motion sensors are the way?
I have two hue motion sensors in the bedroom for hubby. One is out in the open and triggers regular lighting up to 9 PM. I have another hue motion sensor under the bed next to his side that triggers lights to be dim from 9 PM to 8 AM. I also have the motion sensor in the bathroom which turns to red at 9PM to 5AM. I works out well so he isn't waking me up at night with lights going on off.
I’m thinking one on the white skirting board here - and one on the other side so with either of us waking up we will break the beam. I think anywhere else would cause false triggers.
Another option would be the a presence sensor on the floor in the middle under the bed.
That should work but I would angle it away from the bed a bit because of movement of blankets/sheets could cause a motion detection. I had to play around with placement because of pets and my hubby being a toss and turner. I ended up tucking it under the bed a bit so it would only trigger from his feet hitting the floor.
I have no sockets where those could be powered. I thought about self contained units but having a house full of hue / smart bulbs it also means I can make the room look pretty and chill there on those days when staying in bed and chilling is the only thing that works
Agree… I have some tiny (2.5cm) LED lights (kickstarter campaign M-lights) that work on pir… even with 5% level the room light is wayyy to bright for night time… these provide just enough light and you can adjust the colour so they are currently red… so even my night vision is not affected🙄.